Herd Master
Cocci you have two choices really. Corid which isn't preferred but it works and many use it and DiMethox 40% which you can get at many feed stores. But really have her checked for cocci first. If she as young as I suspect she may have been treated already and may not need it. Scours (diarrhea) are typical in kids with cocci but not always, but still, if she isn't scouring I would have her checked first. Any vet can at least do a cocci fecal check.
Unfortunately minerals and goats are a hard one. The best way to find out what they need is a blood draw and then send it out to a lab. That isn't always practical. If you live in a deficient area for Selenium you can bet that you will need to supplement her, especially if you breed her, but you have time for that. Copper is another goat problem. Always feed goat minerals, never sheep. Sheep minerals don't have copper in them. I go a lot by looks. Is their coat nice, is a deep color (low copper makes their coat fade), is their tail bald on the tip, are their hooves good, not cracked, etc. Just the overall health. You will learn what is normal. I know that I have to supplement 2 x a year minimum, but that is my herd. But for now, don't worry about the minerals, just get her healthy.
She is probably mixed with another breed if she has ears that big. But that is ok, mixed breed goats are awesome. If she is super friendly she was probably raised on a bottle. Is she eating ok?
Unfortunately minerals and goats are a hard one. The best way to find out what they need is a blood draw and then send it out to a lab. That isn't always practical. If you live in a deficient area for Selenium you can bet that you will need to supplement her, especially if you breed her, but you have time for that. Copper is another goat problem. Always feed goat minerals, never sheep. Sheep minerals don't have copper in them. I go a lot by looks. Is their coat nice, is a deep color (low copper makes their coat fade), is their tail bald on the tip, are their hooves good, not cracked, etc. Just the overall health. You will learn what is normal. I know that I have to supplement 2 x a year minimum, but that is my herd. But for now, don't worry about the minerals, just get her healthy.
She is probably mixed with another breed if she has ears that big. But that is ok, mixed breed goats are awesome. If she is super friendly she was probably raised on a bottle. Is she eating ok?