Herd Master
Heck, I' building a dairy to justify and support my addiction.
That is one reason we are moving. We need more land. We have just around 50 goats.. I think
<snickering totally unobtrusively > Goat math I tell ya! Oh my... Wouldn't that just be the frosting on the cake? So I'm hoping the only reason you're "not too thrilled" is because she isn't completely tamed yet? Based on what you shared, she should be OK. Oh, and from what I understand, some does get very lovey-dovey and needy right as they're about to go into labor, so maybe she'll bond with you then? Man, for a newbie, you're covering about every base there is!
There are lots of kidding threads on here. Wouldn't hurt to peruse a few in your copious amounts of free time I know... But it IS exciting!!
I can't fine an older picture if you posted it but that picture sure looks suspect. That udder looks tight, and that is usually an indicator that there are pretty close. You can't catch her at all? You may notice her standing off by herself when labor starts. If you can't catch her all you can do is watch and chances are she'll be fine. You can take the babies as she has them and put them in a separate pen if you have one, she should follow. You need to dip their umbilical cords in iodine, and if all goes well that is all you should need to do.