The guy is saying he owns that 2.5 acres the survey that was not legally documented shows. But there are no court or legal traces of it being sold to him, so he needs to get over it and move away already. ugh
But mixed in his string of lies and tall tales, there is some truth. Supposedly, he used to have 250 horses on that land. =/ No proof of that in any google pics, it would of been seen at some point, trees used to be more sparse and that many horses should of left some kind of trace. There aren't even any trails that the herd would of used regularly. There are on my property, of past cattle paths and then my horses had used those as well, but nothing like that over there. Anyway, in that story he mentioned a horse he buried for the person who used to live in our house. I've found the large graves, so now I know what one mound is from. His ex-wife's history he told is lies, I guess he doesn't think we know how to check backgrounds, talk to others and google them.
We decided to not purse that bit of land where the fence was built too far on our land. This other issue with the 2.5 acres is far more important to get through his thick head.
Looking into fencing prices for install, 12-14k. =0 Wow, ugh. lol But I need to do a better job of really figuring out the linear feet needed and not just the guesstimate of 4,000ft. A company just doing the posts and braces is 3-6k, which is far more reasonable. We can stretch the fence onto the posts, one 330ft roll at a time, no biggie.
Lost the possibility of the one guy mowing the land or even just bushhogging it, arse came to me on his own, then left on his own. Now looking for someone else to do it. =/
Wish one of you guys would buy that estate across the road or the brown house next door from the grumpy dude! =/
The one across the street is the estate sale and not listed. Guy next door is trying to sell on his own, so also not listed. =/
I got the info for the estate, will try to find out pricing for both and pictures of the home and such before I post them and hope two friends buy them!
Whoo! Decided to try n mow a path where I may want the fence to get a more accurate length for fencing....Well, you just can't tell what the ground looks like, nor just how tall and bushy weeds are when you're just zooming around on the little riding mower until you get stuck in it! =0
I haven't been that far on the backside and I was near the tree line, on a steep slope sideways and stuck in 4ft tall thorns from heck! =0
Mower got stuck on a thick branch and the fear of possible bears or golly only knows what that may fly out at me from the treed mountain gave me the strength to shove that mower up and over that stupid branch to freedom!
Lost some blood and skin flakes in the process and jacked up my stress, fun times! Then I got stuck 3 other times!! Ugh!!
I eventually made it out to familiar pastures, after a lot of begging and one sided deal making with the mower! lol
That whole back area needs tlc! So it looks like I'll be mowing it forever for a couple years until it's acceptable instead of a sledder's nightmare slope!
Took a mini nap with the puppies after that, needed to mellow out and what's better than 10 squiggly puppers?!?
Looks like I'll be trading an arm to brushhog it all down and then trading another arm for hay for this winter.
So next month, the second row of fencing to block the neighbor will go up.
Then over the next year, I'll be having them install the rest of the fencing as we get money in for it.
Hoping that winter 2017 the animals will be able to graze on it.
Also having someone bushhog it this year, probably next month as well. Will have to buy hay. =/
And lastly, going to work on a mini pasture for the sheep to graze down our steep hill and the mess that grows there. Bought the posts for it and should have enough fencing for it. I hope to have it done by Sunday, then the rams will go in and I hope they will do a good job of eating it all down.
Got a little done. Dark blue lines are where a cattle panel will be. One for the street end and other as a gate.
Brown dots Are current posts, black are new posts.
Fencing is fun!!!! And wire is costly and T-posts are more $$$$ the fun never ends. Next you need a tractor. Congrats on getting the mower to obey your will and mow that mess!