Jul 4, 2017 #261 animalmom Herd Master Joined Dec 19, 2009 Messages 1,979 Reaction score 2,327 Points 343 Location North Central Texas Oh good gracious! I'm all tired out just looking at your pictures. That was a ton of work. Good job!
Jul 4, 2017 Thread starter #262 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! Fence guy installed it, too hot for me to bother. And it seems like most days he's alone because his workers don't bother answering. =/
Fence guy installed it, too hot for me to bother. And it seems like most days he's alone because his workers don't bother answering. =/
Jul 5, 2017 #263 misfitmorgan Herd Master Joined Feb 26, 2016 Messages 3,726 Reaction score 7,002 Points 423 Location Northern Lower Michigan Well the fencing looks good! Always nice when fencing is done even if you are not the one doing it....in fact i find it nicer when im not doing it and it just magically appears
Well the fencing looks good! Always nice when fencing is done even if you are not the one doing it....in fact i find it nicer when im not doing it and it just magically appears
Jul 5, 2017 Thread starter #264 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! One gate is up! Wrote the check. Going to be dirt poor real soon. Lol Going to rain soon, too. But it's okay, down to 75, that's nice.
One gate is up! Wrote the check. Going to be dirt poor real soon. Lol Going to rain soon, too. But it's okay, down to 75, that's nice.
Jul 5, 2017 #265 Bruce Herd Master Joined Feb 4, 2016 Messages 17,451 Reaction score 45,865 Points 783 Location NW Vermont Oh come on, you have PLENTY of dirt! It is MONEY you will be low on.
Jul 5, 2017 Thread starter #266 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! Gates are up. Just a few tposts to clip, then he's done!
Jul 5, 2017 #267 Bruce Herd Master Joined Feb 4, 2016 Messages 17,451 Reaction score 45,865 Points 783 Location NW Vermont Done is GOOD!
Jul 16, 2017 Thread starter #268 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! Mowed the new fenceline and the little detour corner I use for trail riding. Picked up a roll of fencing to put up by the road. But been having some odd health problems and it's in the 90s, so can't install it yet. Saw a deer in one neighbors yard, then another in a hay field that's on a mountain. Nearly mowed a huge black snake! =0 Luckily, I stopped in time.
Mowed the new fenceline and the little detour corner I use for trail riding. Picked up a roll of fencing to put up by the road. But been having some odd health problems and it's in the 90s, so can't install it yet. Saw a deer in one neighbors yard, then another in a hay field that's on a mountain. Nearly mowed a huge black snake! =0 Luckily, I stopped in time.
Jul 28, 2017 Thread starter #269 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! Didn't realize they were 2 sizes...lol, oopsies. Had to get a big mallet to beat these big staples in. Bit under halfway done! IDK where my bolt cutters went to, so had to stop for the day. Yeah, I did work in heavy rain.
Didn't realize they were 2 sizes...lol, oopsies. Had to get a big mallet to beat these big staples in. Bit under halfway done! IDK where my bolt cutters went to, so had to stop for the day. Yeah, I did work in heavy rain.
Jul 29, 2017 Thread starter #270 secuono Herd Master Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 9,253 Reaction score 13,810 Points 623 Location Virginia is for Pasture Farmers! Ugh, 40ft short! So close...