So, we're going to see the 10acre next week, but DH's mother (the realtor) offered some help and is putting in a higher offer on the land next door and she wants to help with building the new house on that land!
We'll be in her debt forever!
So I'll update again next week after seeing that house and then again whenever we hear back from the lawyers about the land next door.
I positively HATE it when stuff is misrepresented for sale (LIED about!) It wastes so much time for folks who are honestly searching for what they are lieing about. I've run into the same issues with respect to real estate. Or they conveniently leave out highly pertinent facts until you've invested a lot of time and interest, only to find out that it won't work. I hope the folks next door will come to their senses, though from what you've said, I doubt that will happen unless the offer increases substantially. I sure hoe your mom-in-law can pull this rabbit oiut of a hat for you. It would make your life so much easier (initially anyway).
Thanks Latestarter!
Just noticed two issues with the gelding during his exercise session, so crud is really piling on my parade, lol. Vet is coming out on the 15th, so vet will look at these new issues as well.
So it came in and it shows the highest possible in a competitive perfect market, 240k low end and 280k high end.
But county appraised it at 140k for the last few years. Back in 2011 it was 180k.
So our original offer was higher than last year's county appraisal worth that the owner paid taxes on.
Some of the info on the paper doesn't make sense. They marked that it has a paved drive, it has no drive. Marked both a Yes and No for hus. And some other odd ends.
Their grandfather owned it. He died earlier this year and in his will, he wanted his two sections of land sold to neighbors or family/friends.
So, I believe they have no money vested in it. And it's been on the marked 2-3yrs, for sure the last 2yrs.
The problem is that virtually all land, especially agricultural is valued for taxes at a much lower value than what it's actually worth to a buyer/seller... If they didn't do that, only Bill Gates would be able to afford to own land/acreage. In addition, as its real value grows, the tax value grows much slower, often lagging behind by up to a decade in a fast market. The result is the buyer gets one heck of a surprise after they purchase as a new tax base has now been established. Sucks, but reality. I hope they come around and you get it.