These kits are 6 1/2 oz each. Fat buns the vitamins I'm giving Elsa are obviously going straight to those chunky butts <3 their eyes are open in the corners, so it won't be long
They have been exploring their box and sniffing everything. I can't wait till they can see what they've been sniffing!!
Last night my daughter, KayLynne, was running a fever (a small one) and still wanted to help me out with the animals. Well, she fell asleep on her blanket and Alice hopped over and snuggled her. Until I was done and had to take KayLynne in, Alice stayed right beside her instead of playing like she normally does. The only way Alice moved was when she was cleaning her ears, and it wasn't very far then
I haven't posted about any bunny other than the babies, so.... Tomorrow I will be posting about Blossom, Thumper, and Elsa. There's really nothing 'new', but I have been leaving them out of my journal, so Imma have an elder bun day. They feel their best in the morning, so I guess it will be an early photo shoot
I have 3 adult rabbits, my juvenile rabbit (Alice), and the 3 kits. So I have 7 in all... And as far as my housing, I need a new system. Right now I'm using separate cages and having to move them around more than I would like. My pregnant does go into the biggest cage whenever they kindle. My buck and my other doe get swapped out from small cage to the run every week. Alice is living in the feed shed bc she can escape all of the cages but the one I have Elsa and the kits in. Any recommendations would be appreciated dearly