Kelsey2017 - Folk Art Farm's journal


Ridin' The Range
Jan 31, 2011
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I have so many things going on right now; I feel I should write things down so I don't forget what my vision is.

I have spent my long awaited tax refund. Just pretty much blew it on getting this place of mine running. Well, it is not mine but I will be able to buy this home and land if I play my cards right this year. That is the plan, to get this place but in the process, see why I need this place. When I moved in I had a handful of chickens, a dog, two cats, two horses, three kids and a husband.
I had been seeking this type of place to live for a long time, my husband was not, and we parted ways after 8 years of marriage, me pregnant but stubborn. The country life I grew up wasn't fancy farm stuff, no real farm animals other than my horse after I was 10. I had a duck that my friend found on the road with two gunshot wounds that I nursed (and became the best pet EVER). But as I became a young lady and needed the town life, and then got married and lived in the city with my husband for 8 long years, I was depressed and felt like there is no sense of accomplishment with the life I was living. I am unable to make food for my family on the level that I want. I need birds, not semis in the morning and I would like not to feel as though the neighbors can see in my bathroom window. My ex grew up like that in town and couldn't stand the quiet, or the trees and felt so far away from the world because he couldn't go walk somewhere to get a cup of coffee. We just were not going to work well together if we had completely different goals in life. There were other issues trust me, I think we could have worked something out if not. ANY how, he lives in a really nice apartment on a main street and loves it, I live on 80 acres of pure paradise at the end of a tiny dead end road 10 miles from the tiny shipping town of Two harbors on Lake Superior.
Fast forward three years. Year one I put in extensive gardens and got the hang of raising chickens for the most part. Put up tons of food and was delighted. Year two I started over with chickens because my dog had eaten all of them over the course of the winter. I also expanded the garden and began selling at farmers markets. We tried meat birds and that went very well.
This last year (you'll be able to tell I got a computer, or rather as my boyfriend will tell you I got a new boyfriend- Craig as is Craigslist) I gardened as usual, doubled the meat birds specialized on one breed of chicken, added ducks, started raising heritage breed turkeys, and got a dairy heifer, and two unwanted sheep.
So that brings me to today of which I have no excuse to be in sitting on the computer. I write that part after it happens.


Ridin' The Range
Jan 31, 2011
Reaction score
My plan for this month consists of erecting the shelter/storage building thing that I got from my best friend Craig S List. It is going to look ridiculous, but so be it. The building is 33 feet long and 10 or so feet high and completely covered in sheets of green pole barn steel. The man said that it was a heavy duty carport type shelter from Sam's club. I imagine that in my landscape it is going to look like a very large caterpillar. If I had more money I could replace the bottom sheets with red or white and that would give it some definition. There is also 22'more that has no steel so I am going to have a green house as well. I will put up shelves for the plants and raise my meaties on pasture right on the floor. I have a wood stove I could put in the green house side to get it warm enough so I can actually grow something. Since I am putting it up over existing pasture it should be easy to get things growing. I also have a pretty good pile of hay, shavings and cow manure that is still hot so I can put the compost bins to action to warm the soil.
Time to get my two oldest up and off to school and get myself out the door too good day everyone!