Kidding season at sweet horizon minis

Sweet horizon Nigerians

True BYH Addict
Sep 29, 2017
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South Carolina
Finally got a semi-decent pic of moose(atleast I think lol

D and L Meadows

Loving the herd life
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Southwest Ohio
Hey! Sorry for the delayed’s been absolutely crazy here.
Ok, so for tips...I really don’t have any. LOTS and LOTS of patience. Lol. I’m usually not too picky about posing the kids. I wait until they're 10 weeks or so before trying. Then get them standing right, and let the chew on something, leaves, the leash, my finger, to get them to stretch out a bit. try to get them to hold it long enough for me to get out of the pic, which doesn’t always work. For the littles, I get them away from the barn, get them to look happy, ears forward, tail up. I make clicking noise, or wave my hands while someone else takes pic. I know, I must look like a crazy loone, but hey, it works, lol. Give me a bit, I need to get pics uploaded on the website. Then I‘ll show you what I mean as far as the older kids.

Yes, that would increase milk production Of course it depends on the doe, but we have one doe that gives 1.7 # in the morning (12 hr fill) 1# at noon and 1# at night, 6 hr fills. We milk the does four times a day for three weeks, then three times a day until they go down in production so it’s not worth it, which depends on the doe.
If you still don’t get enough milk, our kids grow very well on The Shepherd’s Choice milk replacer from Premier 1. We feed them milk for the first three weeks, then switch to that since we need the milk because we are a dairy and sell the milk. One of the kids was 80# at one year of age!!
Hope this helps!

Sweet horizon Nigerians

True BYH Addict
Sep 29, 2017
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South Carolina
@D and L Meadows that’s quite alright I understand perfectly lol. Yeah, I’ve had a few bottle babies before but never actually tried getting decent pics of them and figured I’d try with this group lol, even though the pics are not perfect I’m happy with them and will try to get better ones once they are older.
Adding the alfalfa pellets seems to of helped atleast with Lillie so far (or maybe it was letting the kids suckle a bit after milking lol) I got 1.5cups this morning compared to her
3/4-1 c
I work as a dog groomer so I know all about the looking and sounding crazy😂 one of my coworker makes mock turkey noises to get the dogs to put their ears up

I’m getting a dairy goat grain today(first chance I’ve had to seeing as I work the hours they are open and they are closed on sundays🤦‍♀️) and will slowly introduce them to it.

You have some pretty babies! Would you mind posting your website?

I’m going to ask a question lol how do you know if the doe is completely milked out? I go until I don’t get anymore then I bump/massage milk again but I just feel like there would still be some in there then if I put the kids on they bump and get more😬

Also I think Lillie will adopt them in time. She talks to them and walks around with them anytime she sees them(waiting until moose gets a tad bigger before putting him out with the herd only so he’s a bit harder for birds to pick up)
Photos of Bella’s udder this morning


From today 17days fresh 12 hour fill


D and L Meadows

Loving the herd life
Jan 8, 2020
Reaction score
Southwest Ohio
Good question...with does that have raised their kids, it’s super hard to tell. They can hold their milk and there's really no way to get them to let it down. It can get frustrating, especially on milk test day.
The dairy goat feed should help. What percent protein is it?
Sure! It’s still under construction. We recently redid the style, and we're still working on updating all the info and such. And getting new, I really want everyone to have a new pic when they're clipped, and if in milk, then right before milking. A rather daunting job...74 does, 11 bucks, not to mention the 67 kids that were born in 9 weeks time. Lol. We’ve almost got all the kids done though.

Sweet horizon Nigerians

True BYH Addict
Sep 29, 2017
Reaction score
South Carolina
Wow that’s a lot of goats! Thanks, I believe it’s 18percent but I’ll check when I get home. There is a lamancha dairy about a half hour from me(she is actually the one that disbuds for me) and she feeds this grain that I have while they are on the stand along with chaffehaye (which I also got some of that)
Great! I’ll look at it when I get a chance, at work now lol that is a lot of kids but I guess if you have that many does😂

Sweet horizon Nigerians

True BYH Addict
Sep 29, 2017
Reaction score
South Carolina
@D and L Meadows thanks! And thank you for putting up with all of my questions!

Lillie’s milk production is definitely increasing. She gave just under 2 cups this morning, gave 1c last night and when my brother took her out for the kids to nurse both doelings got so full they didn’t even want the bottle (they currently get 8ounces each in a bottle per feeding and the little gold doeling always wants to eat even if she has a barrel belly)

Bella... I don’t know if her production is dropping or if she just can only give this amount. I get between 1.5-2 cups each milking which is less than last week at 2cups per milking if not a bit more. I’ve added alfalfa pellets this past Sunday, chaffehaye and grain on Wednesday.

