Congrats on the babies! They are so cute. I saw it on the livestream right after they were born.
Just a helpful hint- when they go to kid it is a good idea to make sure the bedding/hay is clean. All the does here get freshly cleaned stalls to kid in, and after they kid I muck the stall again and replace it with clean bedding. I'm not sure if you dipped the cords, but that is something you should consider. Navel ill is NASTY!
With the CDT, all my does are vaccinated 30 days before kidding so I don't have your answer. Like you, I have read about a bajillion times to give it when the doe was not UTD.
fresh bedding WAS the plan, but wasnt expecting lilli to go at 2pm lol Lolli is getting fresh tonight just in case. we mucked bedding out after we got 2nd girl nursing and realized lilli wasnt going to eat placenta. and yes i dipped both cords. mom decided she was hungry and ate both cord off babies tonight...gross.
Lilli has mastitis I caught it early though, shes not chunky yet, just hot to the touch. lets hope it doesn't progress. Im soaking her in warm water, massaging, and milking her out.