When I first looked through my scope I couldn't even figure out what kind of animal it was. I watched her for quite a while, very, very sad!...And I HATE bears! No animal should live through that though.
you may want to contact your local wildlife conservation office, as they may want/need to know as there may have been or may be other cases in your area so they can be aware and keep up with the cases to help prevent an epidimic. if its legal in your state this time of the year, if not you may want to remove this post
D1 forgive me for butting in here...but I don't think the OP was "hunting" the bear. The bear was menacing her livestock/property...and in most states, it is legal to use lethal force against wildlife if it threatens your livestock/livelihood. Also, a diseased animal - especially as diseased as this poor bear was - is a MAJOR threat to domestic critters...if for no other reason that contaminating her animals with the mange.
That poor bear didn't look too good. DH couldn't even figure out WHAT he was looking at!
Same here Coco...my DH couldn't make it out to start with since it was in really bad shape. Here it is the same...any predator threatening livestock or property is fair game. Now DH is telling me this is why I should really learn to use the rifle and not just the shotgun...I think he is right...
I'm in Pa. We've been dealing with mange in our bears for a few years now. It gets worse every year. Highly, highly contagious.
I'm not at all concerned with informing our local GC, or having them be informed. As a PP said it was a menace and threat on my property...and the poor thing was rotting alive