The latest news is the septic system blew. The main line to the house is jammed. And then a stillborn goat jammed in her mother that had to be removed by the vet( I will spare you by not going in to gorey details.)
We've had them, had them installed in houses in Florida and Oklahoma....
When we built here at the ranch 4 years ago, we put up two small houses. one 900 sq. ft., one 1600. They are both tied to a large AEROBIC system, which are monitored twice a year by the company that installed the system. It was $7,000.00 to install for both houses, but nary a problem so far...
There are sprinkler heads on top the ground that spews out treated water and keep the lawn green... We like it.
Sorry about the mess and the unfortunate Goats baby. Since you are one of the Goat authorities on this site besides Elevan, Rolls and a few others I was wondering if you would go with a Saanen buck or a French Alpine. The Saanen has no back history but is looking nice and stout. The French Alpine can be registered and has good milking background but then I couldn't breed him with his mother.
Came out of the house tonight to hear banging and clattering of metal. Looked up on the roof of our refrigeration reefer to see this 3 month old doeling dancing and prancing.