Has anyone had a doe become HUGE at 60 days pregnant? Willow & Marshmallow are huge! I did a stomach measurement on both today. Willow is 46 1/2". Marshmallow is 40 1/4".
Willow is already doing the grunting and complaining as well. She's huge! I will try to get pictures of both of them tonight.
Willow is a mini nubian and marshmallow is a mini mancha.
Yes, and it can be scary. Often it means MANY kids.
You will really need to watch their intake... and carefully monitor them in the last month. They will be at much higher risk for pregnancy toxemia.
If you could get an ultrasound reasonably priced I would- knowing how many can help you manage the pregnancy better.
I wouldn't worry about that now- it will be later down the road. You will need to have some things on had for the just in case.
I will ask @Goat Whisperer to give you a list. None are real expensive but you want to have them on hand.
You take such good care of your animals and the fact that they are the way they are it is as if they were flushed... which increases fertility.
Hopefully the growth will slow a bit. This happens to Leah- she gets a baby belly quick then slows down a bit then it goes boom again... she is an overachiever! Quads, Quints, Quads.... we told her twins this time would be wonderful.
Being minis they have a much higher probability of trips and quads.
Would love a list of things I need. Can get things today, going to the city.
Thank you. My daughters informed me they have been giving the girl goats BOSS & Beet pulp. They have been giving all the girls treats, after being let out in the am. The girl goats love them for it. lol.
Do you feed differently with Leah having quads and quints?
You really should cut out the BOSS and the beet pulp- both are used for gaining weight- they were looking "flushed" before- now they are big and pregnant.
It is very dangerous to have a goat too heavy. Far more kidding complications, risk of abortion, and risk of toxemia.
Goats can even die of suffocation if too heavy and have multiples.
Feed a normal ration. No treats. Slight increase spread out over the day for the last month.
No we feed Leah the same. Leah is usually in lactation when she is bred for the next season so we try to dry her off 2 months before kidding- she is hard to dry off. She is on once a day milking and will not dry off. She is a milker! So she does have feed on the stand but less now because we are trying to dry her off. She is on grass hay. She just gets a handful of feed. When she gets real big she gets stalled by herself because she is huge and it is hard for her to move out of the way of the big goats.
She is a dwarf so really doesn't get much feed. She is not typical of a dwarf as far as how she eats- she eats SUPER SLOW! Oh my goodness does she eat slow. We try to give her the alfalfa hay more toward the last 3 weeks of pregnancy.
The boss and beet pulp has been stopped since my daughters told me. The only ones who were suppose to be getting it is Pumpkin & Spice. They're thin, they need the calories. The feed shed has been locked down, only my husband and I can get into it now.
They are now only getting alfalfa and goat mineral. I can start them on goat grain the last month of pregnancy. I knew they looked fat. The only hay we get out here is alfalfa. I was stumped as to how they were gaining, when I thought they were only getting alfalfa, or so I thought.
Not really sure how to get the weight off of them. Besides only giving them hay & mineral. I do not want to cause issues due to them being fat.