Lamb needs help ASAP!


Herd Master
Feb 2, 2014
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Poppy survived the night. I was really scared he wouldnt. Anyways he is at the vet right now, but Im not actually there, I get updates through my phone.

Btw the problem is he is very malnourished.


Exploring the pasture
May 24, 2015
Reaction score
OMG sorry!!! LAMB! LAMB! not COW! *yeah...listen to the advice of a person who posts in the wee hours of the morning and can't differentiate lamb from calf. YEP* ;)

Was looking at info on how to possibly reburn goat scurs...then saw this urgent thread. How horrible! Glad he's coming along, though! Is he still improving? I recently lost two Nigerian dwarf kids (they were around 2-3 weeks old) to what I *thought* was bloat, but vet who saw my second one said his rumen and vitals looked good and that it was an upper G.I.infection??? ugh... Unreal and tragic because the first just started screaming, then falling over and his belly went up like a balloon. Then just kept passing out on me in the car on way to E.R. and a couple times after giving mouth to mouth trying to keep my baby alive he died in my arms. Then a few days later the second one began the same screaming BUT without any real 'bloated' belly, just screaming in pain, panting...I kept lifting him so front legs were higher than belly as I read to do in case insides were crushing lungs, etc. well I'll just make my already long story short and say...Made it to emergency vet alive...left him for treatment and observation overnight...Like 3 or 4am got the call he passed away. TOO MUCH TRAUMA! heartbreaking. But learned a ton. had to...quick. My other 2-3 week old had to be rushed to vet another night, I thought maybe too much greens/browse outside with bigger goat (8 wk old) BUT vet said possible thiamine deficiency (...kicking back legs then couldn't use them properly.screaming like the others.) Refused to have another one go! She gave antibiotics,anti-inflammatory,thiamine shot... I finally got him to drink electrolytes (which he hated the vet's bottle!AND it WASN'T HIS MILK!) But I wouldn't give up and he finally drank! (First from syringe w no needle then eventually started taking bottle for me. Rocking him, stroking, talking to him...rubbing body to wake up and energize him. We were given choice to leave him (like the other) or take home...I chose just do a sub q fluids and take him home! I figured we tried the other route 'last time'...I just wanted my baby with me. SOOOOOO Now I'm on like the 5th day I think of shots (I hate doing them and he screams and struggles...but forgives quickly) and I have to give 2 shots in AM 2 shots in PM then 1 fever reducer before bed. So 5 injections a day! (1 muscle, 2 sub q)
BUT he's improving every day and still hates electrolytes but I sneak them...AND he's with me. Long long post I know and sorry, and not a calf a goat. BUT I thought maybe some or all or parts of my experience could maybe ring a bell or trigger something and you can try it and hopefully save that baby!!! Hugging and rubbing and talking to them I think is CRUCIAL too... fluids, nutrients... antibiotic in case of like umbilical infection or some other infection that maybe has lowered temp instead of raised(?) My baby had elevated temp. My last that died had LOW temp! Small bottles more times are (I'm finding) better than large bottles fewer times a day so the rumen won't get overloaded and I'm not sure about cows but I am learning goats have to develop the rumen over some time...ok I think I should sleep at some point. (Funny notion, actually at this point...I see daylight.) Hope SOMETHING was useful (?) if not, my sincere apologies for my rambling! Bless you and your precious baby!
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