Herd Master
I changed my ram's name from Prince to Ramburger and we ate him. Butt me! I don't think so! BWA-HA-HA-HA
You need to start with the animal crackers earlier. I was out with the bunch today and Ringo was doing his tongue wag thing and I pulled a couple of them crackers out of my pocket and he came running.
I once had mutton at a friend's cook over he took the leg roast snd slow cooked it over an open fire, with just salt, pepper, and garlic to taste. It was the brst I had eber had, juicey and tasty. It was great.Anyone have any recipes for mutton they care to share? I recently dispatched a 2 year old sheep and was going to cook a bit tonight, probably the dry ribs.
Look forward to anything offered!
I once had mutton at a friend's cook over he took the leg roast snd slow cooked it over an open fire, with just salt, pepper, and garlic to taste. It was the brst I had eber had, juicey and tasty. It was great.