I have a lamb that has lost wool on ears and around eyes. It has been fairly rapid (2-3 days). This lamb was recently treated 3 weeks ago for parasites due to anemia.Any ideas as to cause and treating? Thanks
Ectoparasites are the most common cause....any other sheep affected? Ringworm, scab, lice most common causes.
Anaemia itself can make animals a bit itchy at times, but it usually doesn't look like these discrete patches of wool loss. Take a close look to see if you can see lice/louse faeces. Skin scrapings will confirm scab (vet examines under the microscope). Ringworm usually has fairly discrete patches with a margin.
Thanks for the reply, Sheepshape. No other sheep affected. I did not see any lice poop. You might be right about the ringworm. I am going to isolate him and use a spray to see if it helps.