Those hip massages and scratches, my ewes love it too!
Wendy's udder was a bit more round in the back this morning, I could definitely tell there was a difference from yesterday to today. But she's acting the same, so maybe lambs this coming week...
Well...heard grunting and groaning this afternoon when I was taking the dogs out...Dolly was lying down looking even bigger, and she was having a time of getting up...she grunted and puffed and groaned and rocked side to side to get up...geesh. But noticed she had no trouble at all this evening when I came out with the feed buckets...if she gets any bigger I am going to worry...well...worry more...never saw her this big on previous pregnancies.
Saw Wendy's baby moving around today.
Looked like a big golf ball was moving around under her skin on the right side!
Kind of creepy, but awesome to know that baby is kicking around and having a party in there
You would laugh to see how many times I go feel Dolly and Chickapee's sides...wondering if I'll feel one kicking or far have not felt two at the same time. No goo here yet and Dolly is looking so deformed...poor thing. And cold, cold and wind and temps will get colder yet as the week goes on...fine time for lambs to arrive now...NOT!!! Got a chill last night being out there so long...she must have been positioning, but thought it labour...and hearing so many coyotes howling!!!!!
Wendy was stretching her back a lot yesterday.
I went and checked on them around 4am, and there was nothing!
SO after breakfast, I'm gonna go down and let them out of the barn.
Chickapee went before Dolly...twin ram lambs very early this and sons doing well...super cold and windy and hoping Dolly waits a few days for better temps!!! Exhausted and chilled now but super happy!!!!