My Mom has been raising goats and sheep for almost 30 years, in the same fields but they tend to do their own things. Nothing like this has happened before, here. Pure bred Kathadin sheep and pure bred Nubians and Saanens tend to have different interests and they never mingled much before this past year.
Despite her efforts to keep him away it seems that her Katahdin ram and one of her Saanens got together while the ram was with the sheep?
This year's kids brought "Lammie" into the world... Born with a completely Saanen (looking) brother Lammie looks like a sheep, hence the name.
She's wearing a sweater in the photo, she's always cold, but she has Katahdin fleece on her body and even looks physically different than her brother and Mother.
Has anyone ever had this cross before? Any advice would be appreciated!
At over 4 months old Lammie is only just now the size of a 2 month old, for the past month she has been being treated for what started as a hair and skin issue; long story short, it seems like her body is killing itself.
We are sad to learn her fate is officially sealed.
I am not sure that I should post the photo taken yesterday. She is covered in scabs from the abrasions that ruptured all over her skin a few weeks ago. In the interest of still finding out what her genetics actually are we are going to save some samples from her body after she passes, so that we can test it when we have the money for such a thing.
My Mom has been raising goats and sheep for almost 30 years, in the same fields but they tend to do their own things. Nothing like this has happened before, here. Pure bred Kathadin sheep and pure bred Nubians and Saanens tend to have different interests and they never mingled much before this past year.
Despite her efforts to keep him away it seems that her Katahdin ram and one of her Saanens got together while the ram was with the sheep?
This year's kids brought "Lammie" into the world... Born with a completely Saanen (looking) brother Lammie looks like a sheep, hence the name.
She's wearing a sweater in the photo, she's always cold, but she has Katahdin fleece on her body and even looks physically different than her brother and Mother.
Has anyone ever had this cross before? Any advice would be appreciated!
At over 4 months old Lammie is only just now the size of a 2 month old, for the past month she has been being treated for what started as a hair and skin issue; long story short, it seems like her body is killing itself.
We are sad to learn her fate is officially sealed.
I am not sure that I should post the photo taken yesterday. She is covered in scabs from the abrasions that ruptured all over her skin a few weeks ago. In the interest of still finding out what her genetics actually are we are going to save some samples from her body after she passes, so that we can test it when we have the money for such a thing.
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