Sage kindled on 12/18. I didn't handle them until the next day since it was so cold when I originally checked them. I counted 7 kits, and they look like their coloring is castor/chestnut and opal. I will get more pictures of them once their eyes are open and they are actually cute instead of naked hippos.
Willow has a nest started, Maple has a nest started, Parsley has a huge nest started and Juniper started hay stashing tonight. I rearranged Parsley's nest a bit and pulled out some damp hay. She wasn't happy about that and nipped me, broke the skin. Not thrilled about that but it will only count against her if she ends up being a bad mom. She actually usually lets me pet her.
No, Santa doesn't bring kits... only the Easter Bunny can deliver baby bunnies.... and the Easter bunny is having second thoughts about coming out in this COLD.....can't say as I blame him.....
They are going to wait a couple days for it to warm up a little bit...
Maple had babies overnight, do I count them as 12/27 or 12/28? First time mom. She had plenty of fur pulled but all the babies were in the middle of the box and she JUMPED on them because she was nervous I was messing around her cage trying to check on them. One squealed quite a bit. I'm hoping it is not damaged internally - I guess squealing like that would indicate she didn't harm it's lungs. I pulled her nest apart and redid it at the back of the box. There were 8 kits, 7 alive and 1 partially eaten. One alive kit looked like it was missing an ear. I really hope Maple gets it together and is a good mom.