Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I've been trying to post but kept getting an error which refused to load byh for over a week. Not sure why it was erroring but seems to be working now.

Baby is almost sleeping through the night! He's over 10 pounds and has cute little arm rolls now. Definitely has my hubby's ears. He is starting to stay awake after eating now, which means we have to change how we interact with him to keep him entertained. He is not thrilled about tummy time, but he'll get better as he gets stronger. He smiles now and prefers to sleep on me or grandma. Fantastic for getting baby snuggles but less so for getting stuff done around the house.

We are already getting questions about if we are planning on having more and when. He's not even 3 months yet!

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
It's rained several times since we finished the roof, so far no leaks and the eaves are really nice for keeping the water off the side of the house. Definitely going to need gutters though, the water action has formed a line in the ground where it drips off the roof.

The exterior of the walls still needs to be covered up, but hubby has installed the drywall and run the lights inside. Painting is mostly done but still needs a final coat plus some touchups. There's going to be a ceiling fan in the middle of the room too, that will be really nice for moving the air around.

If I can get the paint finished today we can start moving the furniture back and we'll have our living room back tonight!

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
The kids are at MILs today while I work. I tried to get ready early enough to paint before work but no dice. I'm already taking Wed off so I don't want to start workdays late this week. Hubby is not going to be happy but I'm going to have to paint after work.

Baby is usually pretty good, just prefers to be held. We are very blessed with healthy kids.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Maybe I jinxed us with that last post. Got home Saturday after visiting with family as it was getting dark. Hubby went to unlock the door while carrying half our gear/stuff while I followed behind carrying munchkin 2 plus stuff and munchkin 1 walked himself.

Except munchkin 1 was full of energy and ran after hubby, around the backside of the truck. Right into the tailgate which had been left down. Little dude hit really hard and immediately started crying, puncture/cut just below his left eye. We got everyone into the house and put cold washcloth on it. Bleeding stopped almost immediately. Waited till grandma arrived to watch munchkin 2 then took munchkin 1 to urgent care, which we found was now closed.

Went to emergency room and after waiting forever we got a very nice doctor and rotating crew of nurses who put two stitches in. Both hubby and I had to help hold munchkin 2 down, both for the site to be numbed and for the stitching. We promised ice cream for cooperation but he was asleep by the time we got home after midnight. Poor little dude will probably end up with a scar.

Today he seems to be fine and doesn't appear to have been messing with the injury or stitches. Hopefully that continues.


Herd Master
Mar 13, 2015
Reaction score
Shadow Hills, CA
Scar will probably fade away by the time he is in Jr. High or before. One year we had so many trips to the ER for stitches on 3 of the kids that I worried about getting a visit from Social Services. Luckily my pediatrician new our family well.

This may be the first set of stitches, but with 2 active boys it won't be the last! You handled it well !

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
So far I think he's not messing with the stitches. It looks like a scab right now. Stitches come out on Monday.

I had stitches when I was 3, he's almost a mirror image of mine, it's on my right cheek and mine was due to a rooster attack.

Monday night munchkin 1 threw up all over hubby's truck when they got home from grandmas house, and then threw up several times that night. Less energetic than normal on Tuesday but not throwing up more. Normal energy level today.

Munchkin 2 is not always sleeping after a feed now, so we had to incorporate entertaining him into our daily schedule. We are working on his core muscles and he is not thrilled about tummy time but it helps tucker him out more.

I think I'm going to get rid of all my chickens at the auction this Sunday. They aren't laying or are eating their eggs, plus they are 3-4 years old. Then I will get chicks this spring. I'm hoping I can get the bunny barn this winter/spring and plan to wall off part of it for equipment storage, and part for bird incubation/brooder zone.