Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Sounds like my alpacas. They are super picky, if it isn't thin grass they just drop it. Seems, with regard to their tastes, I bought a lot of bales that were 3/4 bedding, 1/4 food.

And clear enough space to plant them all! Of course if you are going to move that would have to wait.

Both. If they went up from their original "non listed" price they are getting greedy. I'd go up maybe a little from your original offer but certainly not to their new price. But keep looking because while they are trying to wring money out of you something better might come around.
The irises will be going into pots until we find a place. My mom has a ton of irises already, but she doesn't remember what color is where she's had them so long, so planting in the ground would be unwise right now.

Our offer was less than their original rough number they had in mind, but the difference between them was the estimated amount of repairs. The market is doing wonky things, some places are selling quick and others just sit there. We are looking but there's not much out there which meets our criteria. We might end up staying in the shipping container into the fall. :( At least it's comfortable and we aren't paying rent right now, so we are trying to save what's not getting spent prepping for the wedding.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Since you have an idea about how much the land would cost based on recent sales you have a good idea what the property is worth. Sounds like you are being smart and not jumping to buy out of fear that you won't find something. You never know when someone might come around and pay way more than a property is worth but you can't control that.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
Yeah, that's kinda what I did with the last house. It had so many issues that should have been a red flag but I didn't know any better because it was my first house. I really should have kept looking. But, at least I learned a lot from that house and am able to apply that knowledge to buying the next one.

Just trying to stay patient and keep believing that if it's meant to happen it will happen, and if it doesn't happen there's probably a good reason and we'd be better off without it.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
I took 6 chickens to auction this morning hopefully they sell decently. One is an extra rooster from my parents flock, and the other 5 were ones I had hatched.
The chickens did pretty good at auction, I'm happy with what they sold for. The two white silkie cockerels went for $7.50 each, the three mixed breed cockerels went for $8.50 each, and the big black rooster went for $15.50. I wish I could have caught the second black rooster. My net was $42 after the auction group took their cut. That's about 2 bags of feed :D =D

I will add that the little cockerels were probably about 2 months old, and the big silkie only a month or so older. The big black rooster was from a hatch last year and was half black jersey giant, he had some red patches on his wings but was otherwise a glossy black with iridescent green highlights.

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
Reaction score
Auburn, CA
If you care to answer - was your counter offer lower, equal to or higher than their original "request"? I'm sure it was lower than their counter.
We offered $35k below what their realtor had told our realtor that they were thinking, because that was the rough amount of the estimate from the contractor to do repairs. Their counter was $25k higher than our offer, and after our realtors talked we countered their counter with $10k over our original offer which they accepted.

Inspections are scheduled for Monday. Close is supposed to be a month out, and then they will rent back until the end of September. Hopefully the rainy season won't start early so we can get the roof re-roofed.