Herd Master
Is yours a full face version? Mine is just nose and mouth.
My left hand and wrist are not working well at the moment. I spent all day when not occupied with ice packs on both. Generally there's a breeze and it doesn't bother me. Despite my physical limitations, I HAD to get this done... The twin does were/are already over 2 weeks old and they were beyond nub and had actual horn starting. The buckling was even bigger, and he's only a week and a half old. Despite just the start of nubs on the youngest doeling, I already had the iron hot and couldn't see going through the whole deal again in a few days more. I too do the deep breath and blow method, but my lungs aint what they once was. I also was wearing reading glasses and had to be relatively close to see exactly what I was doing and make sure it was done properly.
Sorry, no new pics right now.Tomorrow is supposed to be plenty of sun so I'll try to go capture a few frames. These 4 are bouncing all over the pen and pasture. Even the youngest is now moving with her mother. She can get in and out of the shelter and enclosures.
Pass granted as long as necessary! Any new kids in the offing?
Pass granted as long as necessary! Any new kids in the offing?