Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas
I am glad that you are feeling better! Being sick is no fun. On the rare occasions that I am down with a bug, all I can think about is all the things I want to do outside! It sounds like you are getting a lot of nit-picking things done, aren't tax and DPS offices fun? NOT!

That stinks about your laminate floor. I put down laminate in our old house and after some years, it became clear to me that was a boo-boo on my part. It was starting to de-laminate, which is a fancy term for PEEL off the top layer, leaving the fiberboard underneath. I am too abusive to floors. I like your tile idea.....

Winter had a conference meeting and decided to let us southerners know that he is still around. So we get a night of 30* and a night of 20* then it will go back up lest we get concerned and move to the Bahamas.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
No chainsaw antics yet... too wet. The tree has a lot of limb(s) up off the ground that I hope will still be pretty dry inside. Originally they were saying sunny tomorrow and sub freezing tomorrow night. I had hoped I might be able to get out there and get some sticks cut tomorrow under the sun. Now it looks like they're saying cloudy and might rain more tomorrow. :idunno The heat pump works, but it's not ideal for real cold weather and I don't need the electric bill really.

Waited all day yesterday for my new swivel, rocker, recliner to get delivered... Figures it ended up being their final delivery and got here ~7pm. Today I waited for the dishwasher repair person to show up. They actually got here early... like 10:30, so I was able to go over to the dairy and pick up some milk and yogurt. Turns out it's a cracked water valve above where the water line connects. 7-10 days for the part :( Was the same guy that was here last and replaced the control board. I told him I want him to do this repair and NOT set it up break down again 2 weeks later... He said most of the appliances he ends up repairing are Frigidaire... This is the first Frigidaire I've ever had issues with... Had 3 in my last place and have 5 here. (old stove, new refer/dishwasher/washer/dryer)


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
Oh I know, however, I have found that you can avoid all their other brands like Maytag and Kenmore if you buy Samsung or LG products exclusively. It used to be that Whirlpool made a great product, I had a Kenmore washing machine from the early 80's that worked great and i just got rido f it a few years ago. Same for GE. However, I've had 2 new GE ovens burn out on me, and 3 whirlpool dishwashers, also a whirlpool washing machine - I'd trust a 20-30 year old whirlpool or GE over any of their new stuff. I think Whirlpool left a nasty reputation with me with their lack of giving a rats butt that a washer that was less than a year old had been through 3 drums - their offer? "We'll replace it for you but we don't make that model anymore and you have to pay the additional $150 for the comparative model" - I told them to stick it, sold the POS on craigslist for $100 after it's last warranty repair, and never looked back.

Late, I use a Kirby I bought for $180 on Ebay, older Diamond something model, I've had it for 6 or 7 years now. It's been the best vacuum I've ever owned as far as not being killed by kids/pets. I'm with you on all the weird attachments though. I mainly use the hard floor attachment since I don't have any carpet in this house, and a couple of the brushes for furniture and dusting. Nice part is I have long enough extensions that I can reach ceiling fans to dust them without finding something to stand on - but that might just be a "short person" problem. I don't like their version of a carpet shampooer at all, and the tile and grout cleaner could be better.
As you said, it is a monster of a machine (and all metal) and weighs a ton. My poor mom tried to use it while I was on vacation and said it was the hardest to push vacuum she'd ever seen and she gave up - then I showed her that it has a transmission you have to put in drive and it is self driven. Pretty funny.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I have had LG fails, so try to avoid them. I'm really beginning to thing that appliances and virtually all tech items have become like our political system... they speak out of both sides of their mouths, none of them actually stand for anything but what their owners/controllers puppet them to stand for, and ALL of them are owned controlled by the same "elite" group. This year this appliance brand is best, and next year it's some other brand. And the year after it's the first brand again, but now they have been bought out and are owned by the 2nd brand... :barnie:he


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Our problem is that we are Old enough to Remember when things were Really it is 'Snap Together' called 'Smart' is the same with vehicles today.....ya can't just get one with AC, radio, and PS anymore...too many 'Bells and Whistles' they come at a Premium first New vehicle cost me $3200 in '77....first house was $23,500...even drove a 'Bug' just to get around ya can't touch much of anything for less than $20,000....and we are to believe it is Better....;)


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, I got to feeling all guilty and stuff so I grabbed the chainsaw and went out and carved up 5 or 6 of the limbs down to trunk. Got to thinking if I burned up all my dry stuff I'd have nothing to get the stove going with to burn the wetter stuff.

That basically got me a row of stove wood across the bed of the truck almost to tailgate level. It's pretty wet and mossy/lichen'y' on the outside but dried out and hard as concrete inside. Tried to split one and even after sharpening the axe, there's a no go on that. I thought it was a red oak, but looking at the wood inside (very deep red and very close grain), I may be wrong. But it is certainly a hardwood of some type. Thinking of the hue, it almost looks like polished it would be a light mahogany. I have about 1/2 again that amount in nice dry aspen that I brought from CO, so I'm guessing I can get the fire started with that and then this stuff will dry out and burn as it goes.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well I didn't mean to 'Throw a Craving' on ya...:lol:....but it is good that ya have enough to keep ya warm the next few nites....:)....the way you are describing sounds like it might be black smells really good burning...tho am not familiar with the possibilities there in Texas.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Hardwood floors - YES! A goodly amount of that stuff that you vacuum out from under the furniture because you don't have carpet would STILL me stuck in the carpet after you vacuumed. Try this, even with @Latestarter's Rainbow. Vacuum a wool area rug as best you can. Then take it outside and beat it.

A Rainbow guy came to my apartment (what, 30+ years ago?) and tried to sell me the amazingly expensive vacuum. I think the way they try to sell it it by showing you what is in the water after they use it. I would be willing to bet that you could use a different vacuum after they are done there would stuff in the bag/canister and would pretty much guarantee that if you could take it outside and beat it, junk would be flying.
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