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So went over to the VA hospital in Shreveport yesterday to review lab results from last visit. I guess I'm getting old and falling apart. Several meds got changed and I have several consults for various things over the coming couple of months. I did get a nice, automatic (battery powered) blood pressure cuff/machine so I can track my BP. On the way home I drive past a Golden Corral... you know, the best buffet in the USA... Anyway, I like them so I stopped there for dinner. It was a little "off" from others I've eaten at, but it was a smaller town and smaller restaurant and some of their prepared foods were prepared differently than other GC's I've eaten at. It was OK though and a nice break as I haven't been to one in quite a while.
Woke up with a good sized headache this morning between 4-6am. Took a couple of Excedrin and laid back down for a while then finally got up around 6 and put the batteries in and used the BP machine for the first time. BP was high (as I expected, but not terribly high), new meds, need time to adjust. Feel fine now. Debating going out and cutting up some more tree as it's supposed to drop to low 30s tonight so will want/need some supplemental heat (wood stove so as to not need the heat pump). Haven't needed added heat for the past several days with day time temps in the mid 70s or so. I still have firewood from when my son and G-kids were here, but adding to it would make sure there's plenty in case the weather turns and I can't get any cut.
So I was sitting in my recliner this morning watching Good Morning Football and saw movement out of the corner of my eye and Mel was barking a bit. There was a dog in my back pasture. So I took my .22 and fired a warning shot near it and it reversed course back out of the field the way it had come in. Not sure what neighbor it belongs to (if any). It was quite a ways back in the field. Went back in and sat down and a short time later saw movement again... I had a herd of deer prancing around in the back pasture. There was a very nice 8 point buck with a slight limp and ~6 does and a yearling fawn that he was chasing/watching over. My guess is one or more was coming into estrus. They were back there for a good 20 minutes moving back and forth across the rear pasture. I tried to get pictures with my phone but it's not a quality telephoto lens. That buck (through the 9 power scope on the 22) would have made a nice wall mount
and I'm sure his back strap would have tasted very nice seared up with some onion & mushrooms. 
Think I'm gonna head over to TSC and check out a mineral block and some feed for them. It's been a very hard winter for them down here in east TX

I mean all that non existent snow and non-freezing weather... Trying to survive on those +40-50 degree nights has to be terrible for them. And I'm sure they must have hoof/hock problems from walking on the bumper crop of acorns we had this fall. Hmmm maybe that was why the buck was limping... It has been pretty wet though... Actually I just want to lure them back into the open more often so I can watch them. 
So I'm back in my recliner and goll danged it, I see movement again and it looks like another dog is in the back pasture in basically the same place as the last one. So I grab the 22 and go back out on the back porch and this one was NOT a dog... it was a coyote! So I lined up a bit high and fired a round with the 22. I wish I'd taken the time to come get my 243 or even the AR... I doubt I hit him, and if I did it would not have wounded him bad as he was a good 150 yards away. He took off like a rocket across the field and exited full speed all the way back in the opposite corner. So I guess I better get out the 243 and sight it in and make sure it's ready for next time. Kinda nice that the last time I did an ammo purchase it included several hundred 243 rounds
I have plenty of AR ammo, but don't think light armor piercing rounds would be required for this target... My favorite gun is my Wheatherby .300 magnum but that would be some serious overkill... and the bullets cost ~$3 a piece 

yeah... $60 or more for a box of 20 rounds. They sure are effective on elk and most other large/formidable animals though.
OK, off to get off my duff. Be well all!
Woke up with a good sized headache this morning between 4-6am. Took a couple of Excedrin and laid back down for a while then finally got up around 6 and put the batteries in and used the BP machine for the first time. BP was high (as I expected, but not terribly high), new meds, need time to adjust. Feel fine now. Debating going out and cutting up some more tree as it's supposed to drop to low 30s tonight so will want/need some supplemental heat (wood stove so as to not need the heat pump). Haven't needed added heat for the past several days with day time temps in the mid 70s or so. I still have firewood from when my son and G-kids were here, but adding to it would make sure there's plenty in case the weather turns and I can't get any cut.
So I was sitting in my recliner this morning watching Good Morning Football and saw movement out of the corner of my eye and Mel was barking a bit. There was a dog in my back pasture. So I took my .22 and fired a warning shot near it and it reversed course back out of the field the way it had come in. Not sure what neighbor it belongs to (if any). It was quite a ways back in the field. Went back in and sat down and a short time later saw movement again... I had a herd of deer prancing around in the back pasture. There was a very nice 8 point buck with a slight limp and ~6 does and a yearling fawn that he was chasing/watching over. My guess is one or more was coming into estrus. They were back there for a good 20 minutes moving back and forth across the rear pasture. I tried to get pictures with my phone but it's not a quality telephoto lens. That buck (through the 9 power scope on the 22) would have made a nice wall mount

Think I'm gonna head over to TSC and check out a mineral block and some feed for them. It's been a very hard winter for them down here in east TX

So I'm back in my recliner and goll danged it, I see movement again and it looks like another dog is in the back pasture in basically the same place as the last one. So I grab the 22 and go back out on the back porch and this one was NOT a dog... it was a coyote! So I lined up a bit high and fired a round with the 22. I wish I'd taken the time to come get my 243 or even the AR... I doubt I hit him, and if I did it would not have wounded him bad as he was a good 150 yards away. He took off like a rocket across the field and exited full speed all the way back in the opposite corner. So I guess I better get out the 243 and sight it in and make sure it's ready for next time. Kinda nice that the last time I did an ammo purchase it included several hundred 243 rounds

OK, off to get off my duff. Be well all!