Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Dec 28, 2012
Reaction score
Zebulon, NC
You must be in one red hot real estate market
That many showings and an offer over asking price
Good luck
You are showing the house?
Every time I've ever sold a house through a broker ( sold one by owner) I had to leave the house for showings and the buyers agent showed the house

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Lots of activity!! Looks like you will be "moving & re-starting" really soon :celebrate It's a tiring and exciting time.

You can have goats & pigs and chickens, bees, a garden -- tired yet?:lol::old:clap I'm so excited for you!


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
You must be in one red hot real estate market
That many showings and an offer over asking price Good luck You are showing the house?
Every time I've ever sold a house through a broker ( sold one by owner) I had to leave the house for showings and the buyers agent showed the house

The market here has been pretty hot since early this spring. The builders are going absolutely crazy here with sub developments. Too many people and more coming all the time. Part of the reason I want out. My realtor told me things had slowed down some over the past month, mostly heat and folks with kids who had already purchased to move during summer break. But there aren't a lot of properties like mine available right now so he felt it would do good. Because I have dogs, I required that showing be by appointment only, with me there to move the dogs in/out so the potential buyers could move through. So I walk along with them and answer questions if they have any, and move the dogs in or out so they can view the rest. Works pretty well actually and the realtors have been asking lots of questions too.

Do you have your place picked out to buy?

There are a couple that I've been watching. Right now, the best fit for me is down your way. 37 acres, backing up to state wildlife land. It's a FSBO, and it's still showing available. As soon as I have this place under contract, I'll be hitting the road to go actually see the properties I'm interested in. I thought I had posted the link, but looking back, I guess I didn't... sorry:,31.776045,-95.815887_rect/8_zm/1_rs/1_fr/
There was another with 37 acres not too far from that one but it was split by a road with 12 acres on one side and the rest on the other. That place is now off the market. I think they were pricing it too high, or some other reason why it didn't sell. I don't know. If/when I get down that way, maybe we can all meet up for dinner someplace? Split the distance so @Devonviolet can meet as well. Know of any good eatin' places right between you guys?

Lots of activity!! Looks like you will be "moving & re-starting" really soon :celebrate It's a tiring and exciting time.You can have goats & pigs and chickens, bees, a garden -- tired yet?:lol::old:clap I'm so excited for you!

Mannnnnnn.... I wasn't tired till you put all that into one sentence! :ep:th:lol: Now you've gotten me thinking maybe I ought to look for one of them "dirty old man" retirement condo communities and I can sit around the pool and ogle all them old women:duc:hide:lol: Might be nice to not have to cut the lawn ;) Thanks Mini Horses :hugs :thumbsup Hopefully this will be my final home move. The next one should be the final/final move when they (my kids) plant my vacant husk in the ground someplace, or turn it to ash... (won't really matter to me either way).


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
That is really exciting that you have so many interested already. Sounds like you will get your asking price and maybe some extra too.

About all those hobbies...there are days I think "I retired for this?!?!?" I work so much harder now than I ever did when I had a "job". I keep thinking I should just give something up, but nope, instead I go shopping and buy more trees for the new orchard and/or more goats. I have 5 hives right now, all seem to be doing well. The garden is giving me tomatoes like crazy and I am planting the green beans next week. I have been canning tomatoes when it is too hot to work outside. I have to pick up the pickling cucumbers here real soon and get them in the crock and the counter is covered in peaches to can and more on the tree. I am waiting for my friend's pistachio tree to be ready to pick and I need to freeze some corn. Why do I do these things? I am supposed to be retired. :rolleyes: Oh, and I am building a dairy...let's not forget that.

So, don't take any tips or lessons from me, I work too darn hard.

Ferguson K

Herd Master
Aug 3, 2015
Reaction score
I can't view the link without being a member. :/ not on my phone anyway.
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