Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
If your doe doesn't come round I would recommend pulling her kids at birth, she will bond with you then.
Ya know! Southern makes a really good point.

When we first got Falina & Ruby, neither one would come near me, and when I tried to pet them . . . Forget it! Then, I needed to give them a CDT one month before kidding. What a challenge!

Trying to get them on the milk stand was another challenge. They wouldn't even try to get up. We tried enticing them with grain. They would eat it out of my hand, and if I held it out of reach, they stretched their neck out to try to eat it. But, refused to get on the stand. So, we lifted their front feet onto the stand. Still nothing. So, finally, I started making them eat their meals on the milk stand. When they smelled their goat ration, it was the incentive they needed. I started leading them, on leash to the stand. Now, they RUN and jump on the stand, to eat.

I told Goatgurl I didn't think they were ever going to let me touch them. She said, just give them time. Once they have their kids, make sure you hold the kids right away. Let her see you touching & loving on her kids - let her smell her kids on you. All will be well between you and the girls.

Sure enough, once their kids were born, it was like night and day. All of a sudden I could touch Ruby & Falina all I want.

Of course, I think the fact that we are the ones that feed them might have something to do with that. If I'm not mistaken, most goats are food obsessed, :drool and they will respond to the hand that feeds them. :lol:
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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
The more I read of things like ticks, chiggers, and "fahr ants" the more I like living in CA.
Well, I have to say . . . I love living in Texas . . . Except for the heat, chiggers, fahr aints, red wasps and ticks! Other than that, Texas is a great place to live! :lol:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, GREAT news! latest report from

"Scattered showers and thunderstorms possible Friday afternoon and evening. Some storms may be produce large hail, damaging winds or tornadoes mainly along and north of the Interstate 30 corridor during the evening. Showers and thunderstorms again expected along a cold front that will move across the Four State Region from west to east on Saturday night through Sunday. Some thunderstorms will be severe, with large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornadoes being the main threats. Additionally moderate to heavy rainfall will be possible with higher amounts up to 5 inches possible across the Interstate 30 corridor."

Supposed to start sometime tomorrow afternoon and last till Sunday night. Looks like the line runs E-W and is slowly moving south through OK right now. So if that continues, I guess they call for it to stall out pretty much right over the top of me and train for a while. Looking forward to seeing the creek after this one gets underway. Least all my fence posts are moved to high ground now. Shouldn't have to retrieve them again :confused: At least they said mainly NORTH of the I-30 corridor... I'm about 10 miles south of I-30. Hope I don't have to break in the shelter.

The guy who was supposed to be picking my mower up today called and told me he broke down and was limping back to the shop for his own truck repairs and wouldn't be able to pick it up till next Thursday. :rant:he So I asked him to text me the repair shop location and I'll trailer it over there tomorrow. I can't wait another week just to even start the repair process. Side benefit is I'll get to talk to them directly. Still, hadn't planned on this drive as it's almost 2 hours over toward Dallas. So, gotta get up and get rolling early tomorrow. I need to beat the rain.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Just a quick remark....not to revisit the past, but just thought of it...about the poison ivy stuff. Do not burn any of it green in a fire and stand near, around, or downwind in the smoke. I know a couple of folks that have and they ended up in the hospital because the reation to it was in the lungs. Be careful and remember, back to regular programming.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
"Scattered showers and thunderstorms possible Friday afternoon and evening. Some storms may be produce large hail, damaging winds or tornadoes mainly along and north of the Interstate 30 corridor during the evening. Showers and thunderstorms again expected along a cold front that will move across the Four State Region from west to east on Saturday night through Sunday. Some thunderstorms will be severe, with large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornadoes being the main threats. Additionally moderate to heavy rainfall will be possible with higher amounts up to 5 inches possible across the Interstate 30 corridor."

Just wonderful. I'm leaving sometime this afternoon or early tonight for Bowie County..


True BYH Addict
Feb 2, 2013
Reaction score
East TN
I wasn't so sure the poison ivy/milk thing would work either. was scared to death that I would drink it and have blisters all down my throat but nope, worked great and has been working for 40 years now. I do the poison ivy/ milk thing almost every spring so I really do swear by it.

I wish someone had told us about this years ago when we started! We found this out by lucky accident. My DH always puts the goats milk in his coffee. He went from having to visit the hospital for steroids a couple of times a year to never having more than small red marks on his skin that don't even itch!

@Latestarter, are you bringing in the whole mower to get the blades sharpened? Or did something else happen that I missed? Good luck with your storms. We are still dealing with the flooding from this past weekends massive rain fall.


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Scattered showers and thunderstorms possible Friday afternoon and evening. Some storms may be produce large hail, damaging winds or tornadoes mainly along and north of the Interstate 30 corridor during the evening.

Yep, happy to be living in CA. Hope you don't have to break in that shelter.

About the goats and what Southern said...I have almost an entire herd of goats I can't catch. I think I am selling all the kids from this year but one or two and that is because I haven't been able to switch them to a bottle and they will be wild. I am too old for wild goats. I may try the diapers, holding them on my lap and watching a movie like @ragdollcatlady suggested and see if that calms them down. I also find that wild dams raise wild kids.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Well, as I was riding the tractor toward and into the trailer I decided to give the blades another chance. The first two attempts stalled the motor, the third got all the blades spinning again. :weee:celebrate So no big $$ repairs should be necessary :bow There was a chunk of branch stuck in/under there that I hadn't seen when I looked.

DJVD, yeah, I still brought the tractor in and explained that it's leaving streaks of un-cut grass so I need the blades checked, sharpened, balanced, or replaced if bent. I also cried on their shoulder about needing it back post haste... They said the soonest they could even look at it would be Monday and hopefully it will be done/ready by Thursday. I told them to call me when it's done and I will drive there to pick it up. I don't want to wait a week after it's done for a delivery to be scheduled. It's under warranty, so I may not have to pay for anything. Even if they say warranty doesn't cover it, part of the warranty covers 50% of new blades, so still in my favor.

Looks like the weather report has been tempered somewhat. Though it's cloudy and VERY humid right now with a pretty good southerly breeze blowing in more moisture, there's only a 20% chance of showers today and this evening, increasing into tomorrow afternoon and evening, then clearing out and "cold" on Sunday (yes 65 degrees now feels pretty cool to me :hide) I used to do shorts and flip flops into the 50s... not so much anymore. Even with the added insulation on my frame I seem to get chilled easier. :idunno Mid 50s used to be my favorite temp when I was in my 20s/30s. Then it seemed the mid 60's couldn't be better when I was in my mid 40's. As I reached my mid-late 50's I crave temps in the mid to upper 70s... Once it hits 80, I start getting a bit uncomfortable, but that might just be the added humidity here. Another month and I'll be entering my 60's so who knows what temp will work for me going forward :idunno

Thanks for the warning about burning ivy CB... Know all about that, not from personal experience but because I've been allergic to it since a wee child... Had to learn all about it to avoid it. Hope you have a safe trip Greybeard.

I'll give April a while longer... it's only been a week or two. Hopefully she'll learn to love me :D =D I mean I am the bringer of food and treats after all. I need to get a metal can that stuff will rattle in so they all learn the sound and come running. Then I can try the noose over wrist thing that DV uses... She's real jumpy when I even move my other hand/arm toward her while she's taking a treat from me.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Glad ya found the chunk under it. Now, just think about it this way....ya have 2 blades turning under a 46-50" deck...which is stiff and ridgid and is 1 unit. Every bump, knoll, roll, etc canges the angle of that 1 unit.....not to mention the lean of it when ya turn, and this is without factoring in the bend and resistance of the grass/weed fiber which is being cut. There is also speed that has to be factored in and throttle.
So, I'm not saying not to replace the blades, but if/when ya do, don't expect a manicured cut to it ever, unless ya level everything....:)
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