Yes, very nice! But also very expensive!!! I would love to have an iPhone, but just can't afford the model that fits my needs (iPhone7). We have too many other demands on our available funds. So, I don't see an iPhone in my foreseeable future.
OK... I tasted the milk... it's "off" because Dot is still producing colostrum. Not bad... just a little off. So I'll give her another week or so and try again. I mean it has just been a week as of today (hard to believe huh?!) OK, picture time:
Here they are finishing up the froot loops. Crunchy doesn't care for them yet. I hand feed and they fight through the fence. Couldn't get a picture of that obviously. After that I throw some on the ground so the kids can get some and it keeps them all occupied.
Bottle feeding CC and CB, who has become my #1 helper, wants to make sure I'm doing it right. Incidentally, I'm not sure but believe CC is polled. I can't feel/find horn buds. I mean I'll keep checking, but there should be some development by a week old I would think. CC drank about 16-18 oz out of this 20 oz bottle for dinner. You can see Dot licking her bottom as she sucks the bottle.
Once Bang had finished her grain, it was time to feed her kids. CB & CM suck like fiends for as long as mom will let them, normally about 15-20 seconds. Man, when they wallop her in the udder I feel mom's pain. That has to hurt! I mean they really butt her udder hard!
Dot is really a pretty good momma. She's always doting on CC.
So I left Mel in with the goats for a while today. He did OK. After a bit he went and stood by the gate and stared at me like "OK, you gonna let me out"? @Southern by choice this shot's for you Oh, you can also see the white splash on the newest kid CC. She's the one climbing the bricks.
Am a little worried about @Baymule as she lives right where there was a tornado warning earlier this evening down around Lindale. When I tuned in to the weather the warning area was already to the direct east of her. I've texted but had no reply. @Devonviolet has also texted and called but no answer and left a voice mail. Hope her and her DH and animals are OK.
My phone went off with a tornado warning and I live right in the center of the red area outlined. So I rounded up my keys, wallet, light, cell phone, lawn chair, mug of tea, & headed to the tornado shelter. Hadn't cleaned or prepared it at all and it was rife with spiders and webs. Tried to get Mel to go down inside with me but he wasn't having any of that nonsense. Should have trained him to go in there long before it became necessary. Anyway, I closed up the door and sat out the hail, heavy rain, and thankfully no tornado. Been an interesting evening to say the least. I have no idea if there really was a tornado near me... Guess I'll find that out tomorrow. There's another weak line of T-storms passing by me right now. Should be the last for the night.