Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
It's sometimes a pita just to get the plastic safety shield apart and back together.
When the telescope tubes themselves are stuck tho, I generally will try to hang the end up as high as the implement will allow, and spray copious amounts of penetrating oil down where the 2 tubes meet. Let the fluid sit, then gently start tapping the outer tube with a SOFT hammer and work the internal tube back and forth till it comes completely out. You don't want to cause any dents.
(Note--it can be very messy--that gunk in there, mixed with the penetrating fluid is nasty)
I recommend PB Blaster.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
I was going to mention PB Blaster until I got to @greybeard's last line. Now I don't have to ;) I've found it to be really good for breaking up rust and returning a tool to usable form.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I love it when my thread becomes a teaching moment. This is awesome. Thanks GB :clap

Got the whole front pasture mowed today as well as re-doing the soon to be finished goat pasture #1 that I expect to finish fencing/enclosing with the help of my soon to arrive son:weee Seems I just mowed the goat enclosure area a few days ago and it already needed re-mowing :barnie The new blades are working great. I've already dinged them a few times :hide (hard to avoid here, though I'm really trying). My son and family are on the road & should be here late afternoon tomorrow. Right now I'm trying to get caught up on laundry and tomorrow I'll clean the house before they arrive. It's gonna be a real bear as Mel leaves clouds of hair everywhere he goes, even after brushing him out. Not to mention all the dirt he brings in from laying in the trenches & dugouts he makes. :( Trying to keep this place clean is a lost cause.

Today was a weird goat day. They weren't excited at breakfast and didn't start or finish right off the bat. CM didn't eat at all and went off and laid down in the sun. He wouldn't let me get near him to see what was ailing him. :\ Then CC didn't want her bottle o_O so I poured it out on the compost pile. I did cut several good sized live oak limbs later that were ripping my face apart mowing, and gave them those. They all cleaned every leaf off those limbs and gnawed bark as well. I was mowing but took a fuel break and tried to giver CC an afternoon bottle. She didn't want that one either. :hu They weren't in a rush for dinner tonight either... Though they did eat better than this morning and CM ate this time, and CC took almost her whole dinner bottle. But there was grain/pellets left which I consolidated into one feed bowl and left for them to snack on overnight.

CC will be 11 weeks old in 2 days and I was going to start weaning her next week at 12 weeks. Maybe I'll start cutting her back on bottles now. She's eating the grain and pellets along with her mom, and gets in the limbs for leaves along with the rest. This evening she was gnawing the oak branches for bark, and I've seen her eating hay. She's very healthy and growing well. She hasn't caught up with CB & CM size wise, but that's to be expected.

CM's ball sack is now hanging by a thread. I wonder if that's what had him "off" today. I expect it will fall off within the next several days. CC Got her CD&T booster this afternoon at bottle time. Maybe that's why she wasn't interested in the bottle then? So CM is finally getting over his fear of me and will come up to me when I'm feeding CC and let me give him neck scratches and nose rubs. But he's "flighty" and I have to move real slow, and even with that, he won't stay close for very long. He's pretty sensitive on his horn nubs (both were re-burned) and lets out a scream and runs away shaking his head whenever one of the others head butts him and hits them. They still haven't completely healed from the re-burning. CC's re-burn (one nub) is just about finished healing. There's still a very small pink spot that hasn't grown hair over it yet.

It's kinda funny... when I'm milking Dot, CC will come over and give me kisses and rub noses with me. :love Then after I put down the grain bowls, she'll every so often come over to me for "reassurance" scratches then go back to eating. While I'm bottle feeding CC, CB will come up and stand between us waiting for scratches and attention. She likes to nibble on my jeans and T-shirts as well as my fingers. :love Then CM will slowly ease up and let me scratch his neck a little. As that's happening, Bang will come up behind me and use the back pocket edges and side seam on my jeans as a scratching area for her head. So she'll stand nice and still if I reach back and giver her neck, head, brisket and shoulders scratches. Then Dot feels left out so she'll mosey over and rub down me like they do against the fence and want me to scratch her shoulders and sides. :love She really likes her haunches scratched as well. April is still standoffish and if I need to catch her, I need to drop cereal outside the fence. They all stick their heads out and kneel down to eat it and I can go inside and sneak up behind her and grab her collar. At least she has gradually lessened the amount of fighting she does when I have her by the collar... Sure do love my animals :D

That about does it from here.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Nothing like goat love is there? :love I am excited for you that your son and family is coming to see you. They are thinking about moving here, right? :) As in the Houston area? :thTry to steer them to Dallas, they will have a much better life there than Houston. I feel ya' on the dog hair. Polly, our Aussie is a hair bomb. It's everywhere no matter what I do. :barnie And Mel is 4 times her size, which means about a square yard MORE of dog hair! :lol:


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Sure sounds like things are going really well for ya there, and it sure sounds as if ya have "Found" your spot in the Herd. Really hope the visit goes extremely well and your "Plans" get accomplished. Did ya get that post? could be a father/son project.....:)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
But then how will you get your DD married to the nice neighbor?


She'll be "on her own" with this one. Never a marriage thing, just meet up. I don't try to go beyond "meet & greet" for match making. BUT -- he's a fine looking specimen & was military, then working for military as contract. Overseas a lot, very personable, very unattached right now.

Sooooooooo -- with instructions and pic in hand, I went out there & got everything "moving" very smoothly. :celebrate That rascal was so very tight, like it was never, ever greased. Slides nice now!! And, I do have the U-joint with the slide pin. Had to stop so I can get ready to go to work. No time to remove backhoe & work to hook this up. But feel very good that I may be able to do this "alone". Won't do until Thurs as I have other commitments.



Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I can only imagine what that much hair does to the filter on a central air unit. Last time I changed ours, most of what was on it was hair just from my wife and I--we don't have any animals inside.
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