Herd Master
We know those "Servings per container" are set to both make it look "healthier" and make the numbers come out all nice. But yeah, ONE cup of lasagna is "dinner"? Maybe if you also have a salad and other veggies on the side. There goes the "fast and easy dinner". And to have it be terrible to boot? Unthinkable.The only problem is, I consider one package one serving, they consider it four and 1/2!
And maybe a landscape rake for general spreading before using the box blade.You don't need a dozer to level dump loads of dirt, just rent a tractor with a box blade and a front end bucket.
Now THERE is a big surprise!The product looks absolutely nothing like what is pictured in your TV ads.

Hopefully you can work out a "make and freeze" plan for your "fast dinner" favorites. Besides tasting a lot better, it won't have near the sodium content.