Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
Maybe since he resigned as moderator he decided he doesn't have to be on BYH as much.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Just a quick fly by as I understand some are curious about my whereabouts and wellbeing. "Maybe since he resigned as moderator he decided he doesn't have to be on BYH as much." That pretty much covers it @babsbag or at least a good portion of it.

For those concerned about me, thank you. Pulled a muscle in my back a couple days ago while mowing, so kinda hobbling around slow & all bent over at the moment. Finishing the mowing will just have to wait. Last week while trimming hooves I managed to nearly cut the tip of a finger off... Only cut 1/2 way through so cleaned it up & taped the flap back down and hoping for the best. No infection yet and seems to have reattached. Aside from that and the usual aches and pains, I'm just fine.

No problems with Mel or the goats WRT Harvey. As anticipated, not even a draft here, let alone a drop of rain. Speaking of which, I hope all you folks down south affected weren't damaged too badly. Sorry about your equipment losses GB. Glad you got out (and back) safely and didn't lose everything. No rain forecast in the near term and we could use some moisture... been a while.

Since on the subject of hurricanes, I hope all those who are located in FL/GA and points north of there are prepared and all buttoned up. As I recall we have several folks on the west coast or central FL which is now anticipated to catch the brunt of Irma. Of course as large as this storm is and as narrow as FL is, the whole state is gonna be dealing with it. I feel for those on the northern leeward islands as they just had Irma and are about to get smacked again by Jose... Not that anyone is really paying attention, but there's a 3rd hurricane, Katia, making landfall down in southern Mexico. Hope those folks do OK as well.

As we discussed @goatgurl That isn't Spot the pig. Pattern and ears aren't even close. She does look like she's about to have a litter though and she looks like she was at some point a domestic pig. She doesn't look completely feral yet. Thanks for the offer to buy the goats back, but I'm pretty fond of them. I think I'll be keeping them for a while yet. I DO still want and need sheep and a few steers though. I hope to start with a feeder pig or two as well next spring. I will also re-start chickens, just for the bug control. Kinda burned out on eggs. Don't eat them like I used to. And no, thank you, I have absolutely no interest in ducks or waterfowl of any sort.

Weather here cooled down substantially a day ago and I opened the house up last night. This morning it was 69 in here and felt wonderful. Closed the place up to retain the cool and it climbed to ~79 by end of the day. House is re-opened now and quite comfy. Nice to not be running the AC. Guess fall is right around the corner.

Went to lunch with @Devonviolet & her DH a couple of days ago. Was really good to get back together with them. Seems there's so much to chat about and it's difficult to cover all of it in the short time together. Thank you for picking up the tab (sneaky, sneaky)...

Had spoken of doing another BBQ get together and if it's going to happen it will have to be some time in October. We'll see how things fall out. No promises or guarantees.

Be well all and hope you have a great fall.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
I'm glad you came on to clear up your absence. BYH isn't going to be quite the same without your input & welcoming new members.

I still remember welcoming our 10,000th member, way back when. Little did I know that we would become friends and practically become neighbors!

DH & I enjoyed lunch at Richie's with you again. It was good to catch up.

We will have to stay in touch. We're looking forward to one of your yummy steaks!
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