Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Two small children (siblings) in our area are in ICU with e-Coli, one is in kidney failure. They haven't said yet if they ate any lettuce or not.
That's a al shame. I hate to,see small children get that sick!

This is an excellent reason to make and eat cultured vegetables/sauerkraut, and to drink Kefir and/or Kombucha. I have been making and drinking Kombucha since 2012. I only had food poisoning once, after eating seafood at a local restaurant. I drank a couple glasses of Kombucha and the food poisoning was only a bad memory. Needless to say, we will never eat there again!

I've been making Kefir since I started milking,the goats. Unfortunately, DH can't drink milk, as it give him gas. But, I try to drink at least one glass a day. Our cats get about 1/4 cup of Kefir with each meal.

I have been making sauerkraut on and off since 2013, DH can eat sauerkraut and loves it. When the kraut is gone, I save the juice. He occasionally gets food poisoning, and I get the kraut juice out and give him a couple ounces, a couple doses of that and he is totally over the food poisoning. Last year, a friend got a bad case of food poisoning, when she ate at a local restaurant. I took her a jar of kraut juice, and within 2 days she was back to normal.

Eating and drinking cultured foods is great for the health. Our immune system resides in our gut, and when we consuming cultured foods, the good bacteria overcome the bad bacteria, allowing our immune system to flourish.

Anyone who is interested in learning more about making fermented/cultured foods, can check out Cultured Food Life at There is lots of good info, and lots of recipes.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
Only having 1 kidney, I know abput those type problems and the best ya can do for them is cranberry juice....the straight cocktail type is best, but if it is mixed it is still better than other things....if ya just can't handle the cranberry taste....there are cranberry capsules in the vitamin section at WallyWorld. The juice works faster and better, at least 8oz per day while problems exist. I drink it everyday as maintaineance, but with only 1 a problem can progress quickly and become very, I err on the side of caution....:)
I have had WAY too many bladder infections in my lifetime. I can't take antibiotics, so have finally found ways to eliminate the infections without drugs. I know you are taking antibiotics, but I thought I would share what has worked for me and is safe to do while taking antibiotics.

I tried both drinking cranberry juice and taking the capsules, but it didn't work, to prevent or cure bladder infections.

I have tried many natural remedies, over the years, but in the end have found a very simple way.

First I mix up "baking soda water", which I take to alkaline my urine. Bacteria require an acidic environment to survive.

I heat 2 cups of water to near boiling, put that in a quart jar, add 8 tsp of baking soda & stir until dissolved. To cool it down, I add 2 cups cold water & stir. For the next week or so, I take 2 Tbsp of this in a glass of water three times a day (morning, noon & night).

Next I eliminate ALL sugar & minimize most carb intake. Bacteria thrive on sugar. The carbs/sugar we eat floats around in our blood & eventually get filtered out of our blood, by the kidneys.

By eliminating most carbs, the bacteria don't have a lot of food to thrive on. Our kidneys filter our blood, and sugar is removed by the kidneys. That means sugar/carbs in our diet end up in our bladder. Bacteria have a party, when we eat carbs & have a bladder infection!

Finally, I drink LOTS of water! At least 12-16 oz every hour. That keeps the bladder flushed out, so the bacteria don't have a chance to reproduce.

It has been a LONG time since I have had a UTI, so it is really working.

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
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Crawfordsville, IN
@Devonviolet, you're right. Apart from liking sauerkraut and cultured foods, I got some food poisoning back in June when my wife left on vacation and I ate questionable lunch meat. I went straight to ACV with "the mother" and diluted 2 Tb in abt 4oz of warm water. It began neutralizing it almost immediately. I felt fine by later that same day.

My rabbits get 2Tb of ACV in each gallon of their drinking water. It is to help with UTI, GI issues and add vitamins, especially A.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Talk over on BYC is that the "romaine scare" is a bit dated as the issues were like over 5 weeks ago and nothing since. I think also it was a specific supplier issue, not nation wide. Thoughts are that it may be scare mongering by a competitor? :idunno
It most likely was/is a single supplier but since they have apparently not figured out the source yet - better safe than sorry. Nothing says that there isn't still some of the tainted stuff in cold storage, it isn't like lettuce is picked and sold the same day.
I mentioned to DD1 that I tossed the Romaine but bought some iceberg. Her response? "Iceberg is my favorite" :th
Say WHAT?? Just when did THAT change?


Loving the herd life
Aug 5, 2016
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SW Oklahoma
Glad you are feeling better! Getting an IV sucks, but I always enjoy the mass amount of fluid you get from it, especially when you feel like crap from dehydration.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
OK, it's 1:56am as I type. The outside temp is 22° with a wind chill of 9°f. There are still snow squalls passing through and we've got about an inch maybe on the ground. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be high teens, low 20s.

I have stupid/mean goats, and have had to go out there multiple times as there is one (CC-the youngest/smallest) who will not stay inside the shelter. And her mom, Dot has also become harassed and was outside quite a bit as well. The reason, as I've come to understand is that my herd queen (Bang-aptly named it seems) is extremely mean, and constantly butts the heck out of her and chases her down. The only thing I could come up with on short notice was to fasten CC to the inside wire (cattle panel hoop house) to keep her inside out of the snow and wind. She had a coat of ice crystals coating her back from being forced to stay outside the shelter :somad Dot was covered in ice as well. So after clipping CC so she couldn't leave, I stood back and watched for a bit to make sure there was no issues, then came back in the house.

A few minutes later I look out and the whole hoop house is shaking and quaking & I can hear a goat screaming bloody murder. So I get dressed and go back out with my head lamp on and stay far away but within range so I can use the lamp to see what's going on. Sure enough, there's Bang ramming CC up against the hoop house repeatedly. :rant:somad So now Bang is physically attached to the hoop house inside as well. At the opposite end and facing away from all the others. Since restraining her (Bang), things have settled down nicely, all goats are inside the shelter and presumably laying down resting out of the blowing snow.

I'm kinda at my wits end with Bang. When I keep her away from the hay or pellets, all the others eat together just fine with very little fighting or anxiety. When she's in the mix, everyone is on edge and she continually tries to "own" all the food buckets, moving between them and chasing whomever is eating there away. She also chases them away from the hay feeder, and as I stated, she constantly chases and butts CC. I'm starting to see the same traits in her kids from this past spring, CB & CM. I think after she kids and I see what she provides, she's going to get sold to a home that either has very dominant goats, or none and wants a milk goat. I'm really getting fed up with her BS. For the next couple of real cold nights, I think Bang is going to be attached inside the shelter to keep her from running anyone else out. Maybe she'll get the hint?

The other night I was out there with them after feeding. RJ always is very friendly and comes up for back scratches and such. He tries to rub his head/face on me & I've done my best to divert this. So anyway, he started posturing and actually reared up at me. I grabbed his foreleg and planted him on his side and held him there till he relaxed/quit, then let him up. After a few minutes, it seemed like he was starting the posturing back up again, so I planted him again and this time I put constant pressure on his chest while I held him down. Since then, he has been much better behaved. Guess I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on him. I've also noticed that his bad scur has re-curved and is actually touching flesh so I'm going to have to cut it back/off very soon before it starts applying pressure.

Now 2:30, and temp is supposed to get down to 10° tonight and now saying high of 33 tomorrow then back down to 15 tomorrow night.
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