Herd Master
Been there, done it, got the memory of really sore hands as the stupid prize.I could cut a couple thousand pieces of wire from the roll I bought to use for "H" tensioning... Then "twist tie" the damned fence to the T posts...
In 2011, it was dry as bone here and everyone and their uncle was building/rebuilding fence. You couldn't find wooden or tee posts or teepost clips here. Finally went up to Producers at Bryan and got lucky and came home with enough Tee posts to do my job but they didn't have any clips.
I had a little roll of 12.5ga ht, maybe 10 coils in the roll so I made a bunch of tie offs all around the roll with safety wire so the thing wouldn't turn into an unbound slinky when I cut it. Drug my chop saw out and started cutting, 10 at a time and in about 10 minutes probably had 1000 pieces 6 inches long. Never again!! Clips are an alloy, something in them to make em easy to bend. That HT was stiff as could be and worked me to death and they didn't really pull down tight against the post either.
Speaking of tee post clips...I've posed a query up in the fencing section maybe some of you can answer for me.
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