Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Just got the last cow loaded and they are on their way over to a friend's place on much higher ground.

My next place is going to look like this (I never shulda left there to begin with)
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Sorry your back pasture is under water once again GB. Doesn't seem like it will reach your shop this time around... Least I hope not. Glad you got the cows moved to higher ground. I ended up with just over 2" of rain.

Was down picking up kids this evening and was surprised to find a set of balls on a kid that I had thought was female... Or maybe my mind is going on me... Either way, Dot had twin boys, Bang had B/G twins, CB had B/G twins and April gave me 2G/1B trips. So it's not 5 girls 4 boys but 5 boys, 4 girls. I was a bit concerned about them all getting fed, but they are all hopping around and taking turns at the various teats... None appear to be lagging in growth (much), though there is one smaller than the rest (one always has to be the smallest after all). But all of them have been suckling. Dots boys are growing fast! They have already become the biggest of them all. I think they'd have real potential as breeding bucks. They have real nice coloring as well and look to be stocky. But we'll see. Dot's been giving me 3.5 quarts at each milking, twice a day. So that's almost 1.75 gallons. Tasted her milk from this morning and it's still just a little "off" flavor wise.

Was milking Dot this evening, clipped to the fence as always, when RJ decided he wanted to head butt the hay feeder. I look over and it's up on 2 legs with him ramming his head into the fencing trying to lift it and push it over. He got it right to the crest of tipping point as I stopped him. Was very close and almost went over. So I jump up and smack him a good one, and re set it back on the concrete blocks. So this encourages CM (the wether) that he should challenge me to play a game of chicken... and while I'm chasing both the idiot boys off, Dot gets concerned and steps right in the 1/2 full bowl of milk, dumping and contaminating what was left. I had just about finished one side so over a quart. :rant :somad :he

Don't quite know what to make of my idiot boy goats. The girls give me no issues at all aside from bang's harassment of the others. But these boys seem to always be finding ways to do stupid stuff that pisses me off. The babies like to doze under the feeder and I don't need that dumb ass to tip the feeder over and kill a kid or two.

Bang has a very lopsided udder situation going on. One side is filled to full and the other is like a deflated balloon. Seems the kids all latch the empty one and keep it drawn down. So this evening, I got hold of her and clipped her to the fence and milked that full side out by 1/2. Maybe if the kids don't have to stoop as low they'll drink from that side as well. No heat, no mastitis/blood/pus/issue, just not being used. My 2 FFs are being great moms, CB & April. Bang's doing a really good job with her 4. Dot still sniffs and cleans the same 4 every now and again, I guess this is what happens when 2 goats have their kids at the same time in the same pool of birthing fluids. :idunno Not complaining, but hope they start equal use of both sides of Bangs udder.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
The river is outrunning the forecast guidance. Now just .8 of a ft below the forecast crest level.
It's yet to be seen if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
If it's merely going to crest early (sometime before dawn...maybe it already has crested) and stay there a few days=good enough, but if it is going to continue to rise and still not crest until Sat evening, (at an even higher level) well that = bad.

river 0055mar30.jpg
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