Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Once was a time when I drank that much coffee but no longer... I make 1 large mug of hot tea in the morning ~32oz using 2 tea bags. That lasts me normally till ~lunch time at which point I swap over to Crystal light iced tea. Since my bout with renal failure, I've been mixing the iced tea 50/50 with poweraid of various flavors quite frequently. I can down anywhere from 3-6 (same sized) mugs of that over the remainder of my awake hours.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I drink more coffee than I did 20 years ago. Then it was hot tea, cream & touch of sugar. Coffee only a cup about 3 in afternoon. Now, it's coffee!! Occasional hot tea in evening.
Our tastes change over time -- actually or taste buds do.

Ya know, LS, the artificial sweeteners can have an off taste, to me. Stevia does, IMO. Since I use so little, sugar is fine. But I have a lot of all of them in those small packets. can't use at another event...all new each time. Every once in a while I bundle it all and give it to someone or someplace -- a volunteer fire department, a church, etc. -- with stirrers & all that. This week I will be bringing home the extra cups & lids, too. I haven't had to buy coffee in over a year. Job perks.:clap Sunday event will be a different product. Free stuff is always nice -- esp grocery.

Bay -- they both look like Dolly! :lol: Their sister is still nursing her last year kid :eek: as in 14 months ago. Their mom was a full Saanen and same huge udder. Now, this Fall my new buck will breed them. He is a full Saanen from great milk lines with tight udders. Those kids will still be 1/4 Nubian but I expect outstanding milkers. They eat well but do keep the dairy look as everything goes to MILK. A little thinner than I like right now. They will gain slightly with all the fresh graze but, never "fat". Great milk. Yes, some have horns. Most disbudded.

Mike, she does waddle part of the day. Almost feel badly for them right now. It's not so bad when regular 2X day milking except just before milk time. These gals provide 1.5-2 gal a day, each. My mini nubs aren't slackers, they give me almost 1 gal each. Next year, I will be selling stand trained "in milk" does. They will be FF 2 y/o. I can get 500-550 per head that way. Will have 8. Bucklings get fed out & sold -- slaughter or breeders, some wethers. Farm income. :D =D The six main girls stay here for me. I enjoy them.

Goats can be self paying. Look at the ones LS just sold. No complaints there.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Nice that you are able (and willing) to "spread the wealth" on your left over work goodies MH. Yes, free stuff generally is a no turn down situation... Especially groceries. Maybe you should build some milk stanchions as well and sell those along with the goats? You know, with all that free time you have ;) Should be worth another hundred or more. I look at some of the home made stanchions offered for sale on CL and scratch my head at what some folks are asking for what they're selling... I mean some are obviously thrown together from old scrap lumber and they have it priced like it's gold plated... :duc:hide

Just got through doing copper boluses for all my adults. Noticed some of their coats are getting a bit rough and a couple have started developing fish tails. :( I used a little peanut butter on the back end of each capsule to hold it in the balling gun. I missed the depth on the first one and as a result I heard CB chew up at least one capsule, but she didn't spit anything out and was a pest from there on out wanting more peanut butter. After I was all done, I let her lick up the remaining PB off the paper plate. I've found that if I stand beside them and hold them by the lower jaw with thumb and finger pushing in from the sides, I can both hold them and get their mouths pried open to get the balling gun in. Then I just have to force it past their tongue to get to the start of their throat. It's funny, but they don't like "backing up" so easy to hold them in place that way.

Was checking their hooves while doing them and I'm gonna have to do that again here, most likely late this afternoon/early evening when it cools down a bit or tomorrow after milking. It isn't even noon yet and it's 80°and climbing. Forecast mid 80s today. AC is on.

Despite the wetness, I went ahead and mowed the goat pasture yesterday. Just wanted to get it done so I can go a week without anything needing mowing... When I first started, every time I engaged the blades, the engine stalled so before I could even start I had to get back under the deck again and clear out the build up from the last time. It wasn't that bad, but enough to bog the blades from spooling up. That fixed the issue. I did it while the goats (& Mel) were out there and after the first couple of passes they figured out that the big noisy machine was NOT out to eat them.:) Now today, they're out there standing wide eyed and frozen... I guess they now have to figure out how to graze on short plants rather than knee high stuff. :gig

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I guess they now have to figure out how to graze on short plants rather than knee high stuff. :gig

Meanie!! :old

Nope -- milking stands on their own. Training to milk is enough. I often milk without a stand!! Haven't used one in months. A small rubber mat is nice for the knees -- and wet grass, poo, etc. off pants or knees.

Yeah, need hoof trims here for some. Darn big buck is an issue as he wants to move a lot. I strap him to the fence with a wide tie down strap -- fence, under belly, over back to fence again near hind legs....hook collar and tie at front end & he stands well. :D Otherwise he's a couple hundred pound pussycat. Drizzle today. Hooves softer.

Always something to do. Heading to a friends to give annual vaccines to her 9 horses in a few. She has the meds & needles waiting.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Something I do LS is to only mow portions of the pasture inside the gives them high browse to eat and then the just mowed has time to grow some....then cut the remaining portions the next time....the goats like to stand in the cut areas and eat in the growing areas. I always have space to blow the grass without it bogging down very much. It averages out to cutting the whole area once every 2wks.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
So every month when I go to pay the water bill, I stop by the pound/shelter to see what's available. Today there was a young love bug fella on death row. His time was about up and he had about a day left to live. He was so gentle and friendly, I just couldn't let him die. So welcome the new family member:
2018-5-8 New Family Member.JPG

Sorry it's a little dark, but he's a bit clingy right now. He also feels threatened by Mel, so growls whenever Mel gets near him. No altercations and I let him know that's not acceptable when I'm near and it happens. $63 and comes with a voucher for rabies, neuter, implanted chip, and 30 day life insurance. I'll set up the neuter appt post haste as that will help with the male vs male issue. Adoption card says his name is paddy... No longer. New name not decided yet.

Lab mix of some sort, prob with some smaller dog like a terrier of some sort. Real strong haunches but small and maybe 30-35 pounds.
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