Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
No sleep for the weary... Laid there wide awake till ~5:30 and said to heck with it and got up. Made a big mug of tea, scrambled a couple of eggs with a little shredded fiesta mix cheese and had that with a fruit bar for breakfast. Then headed out to do goat chores and get back to doing fencing. Just got finished drying off from a shower and now it's about to be recliner and AC for me till sundown. It's not terrible bad outside... 92° with a bit of a breeze every now and again.

I finished tying off a couple of fence ends and hung my last 2 gates. Did some tree trimming for the goats to feast on as well. There will be more gates to hang down the road, but I don't have them here yet. :\ They get rather expensive. I broke several wires while tightening them :rant Hate it when that happens... Learned a valuable lesson... after stretching fencing and attaching it to the fence posts with staples, you don't want to put off tying it off as the wire WILL slip back through the staples, no matter how deep you pound them in. Re-tightening them is how I broke a couple...

So tomorrow, I hope to get back to it and plant a couple of more fence end points with bracing and drive T-posts. These are going to be in jungle so will need to do some chain saw work first to clear the areas.

Life goes on. Hope all are having a great Thursday!


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Ticks, black & deer flies are bad. Haven't seen, well haven't been bitten by any skeeters yet. So far seems like every time I go outside I get chewed up by deer flies. The bites really hurt and then the part that got bitten will get really red and warm for several days(for me at least).


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
We haven't had enough rain for water to pool in the creek bed. Looked at it today and it was dry. No mosquitoes really to speak of. We have flies, but they've dropped off in number because it's dry. Then there are deer flies and the big horse flies. At least when those big ones land on you, you can count to 4 then smack them before they get a bite on. They are so slow. I haven't seen a tick here in over a year. Oh... but the lightening bugs are back and we have beetles all over the place. Have heard some Cicadas as well.

Since I had to have gates open to hang them, I had Mel in the back yard earlier. He's fast and powerful enough he could have pushed past me and escaped. The goats I can yell and wave my arms at and they move away. They've been eyeing the vegetation on the other side of the fences though. Always greener there and in fact true right now. Gotta get a couple more pastures fenced in to move them around.

When I came in, Mel and Elf came in as well. I gave each of them some cold milk as a treat and they have really enjoyed being in the AC. Elf had enough and started pestering about an hour ago so he went back out. Mel just woke up for some lovin' and has now started snoring behind me here on the carpet in the back bedroom/computer room. Too early to do goat chores as they are still grazing and I don't want to pen them up yet while they still can. They get dinner inside the pen and I close them up while they're eating.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
It's very rare, that in spite of the hordes of insects here, that anything actually bites me. Fire ants being about the sole exception. Flying insects very very rarely bite or sting me, and those few times, I usually just ignore.

I have noticed, that some people are more prone to attracting flying insects than others.
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