Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Interesting set of circumstances here a couple days ago. RJ is withdrawn and keeping very much to himself at the moment. With the grands beings much smaller than I, he's gotten a bit "pushy", possessive, and was trying to "mark me" as a possession. When I tried to dissuade him, he took offense and decided that maybe he should directly challenge me by growling and lowering his head and moving at me. Well, I imagine most can figure out how that ended... Yup, with him on his side, head pinned to the ground by the neck, and me on top of him holding him there until he'd submit. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and fighting to get away, he smacked his really crooked scur into the ground and broke the outer horn off clean at the base. When he pulled his head down, the scur/horn stayed in the ground where he stuck it.

He was left with the bloody/bleeding, pulpy root interior sticking out of the top of his head. :ep:sick So while his initial screaming was indignation, it quickly changed to pain. Grrrrrr... so I continued to hold him a few seconds longer till he laid still, then let him back up. I had my son run up to the house for the blood stop powder and we got it liberally coated and the bleeding stopped. This morning, while everyone else was laying outside, he was hiding inside the shelter, standing at the back all by himself. I had to go get him and chase him out to eat some breakfast, which he did. But, he's NOT butting any other goats away from "his" food at the moment. He's being real careful about that side of his head. It's dried up pretty hard and there's no fresh blood. I'm expecting that eventually he'll grow new scur horn over the remainder of what's there.

Has anyone had this happen to their goat? Can you share what I should expect?

Just picked my daughter in law up from the airport and she has joined the family contingent here. :clap So at the moment I'm a happy grampa. :old:D My favorite oldest daughter found out that her younger sister will be in Maine after she had planned to return. Since she (the younger) has been ostracized from the family, I offered to change her return date if she chose to not have to deal with her sister. She chose to stay longer so I paid for a new one way return ticket later in the month so she doesn't have to deal with her sister.

Boy is it hot and humid here. Guess there's a chance/hope for poss rain this coming Tuesday/Wed... We'll see. Hope all are doing well with their summer. Hard to believe it's already July o_O Well, it will be in less than 8 hours for me.

OK, time to take the grands and go let the goats out to free range. They love to be "goat wranglers" :D


Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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The tissue should heal the same as if it were a smaller scur that was knocked off. As long as it seals up without infection, the scab should harden and new horn/scur tissue should grow eventually. It may take some time though, Swag and Gusgus had some big scur issues and they took forever to heal, just because they will scratch or butt the new scab off before the healing is done. As long as you don't see any indication of pus, infection or withdrawn behavior, lethargy or lack of appetite (after the initial pain is gone), then I wouldn't worry too much. Keep an eye on it, and tell him to behave.

I found Alushield, a silver colored spray that I used this year after disbudding that seems to work good.

If you do end up with infection, antibiotics might be warranted. Then I use duct tape and Telfa (non stick bandage material, sanitary napkins will work in a pinch or if they are cheaper and you need alot) to make goat proof bandages for heads and change em out every other day with raw honey. I would do every day if I could, but I usually don't have the help and it still works with every other day.


Herd Master
Nov 22, 2014
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East Texas - Near Sulphur Springs
the two here with scurs have ones that get about thumbnail size and are almost flat. They have rubbed them off a couple times, no biggie.
My Angelica has two little scurs, that float and rock slightly. They are exactly like you described yours Mini. She has knocked them off a couple times, and like yours, each time they grow back a little smaller. I was worried at first, when she was younger. but I was assured I they would eventually get knocked off, and that’s exactly what happened!


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
really glad you are having a great visit with the kids. your seafood boil had me drooling on my keyboard. yum. i'm sure the goats don't mind to much being wrangled. youall are making some memories those grandkids will never forget
poor rj, I've had goats knock the horn part of a scur off leaving a bloody nub before. just like you did, blood stop powder and make sure there is no fly strike or infection. you can bet he is going to be standoffish and not challenge anyone for quite some time. can you say ouch!
keep enjoying your visit with the family.
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