Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Jun 3, 2018
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western Arkansas
Mr. @Latestarter,

Thank you so much for sharing with everyone about your daughter. That is so touching to know how much you care for her, as well as your son and the other members of your family, and how much she cares for you. Whenever I get down and wonder what the world is coming to, reading such inspiring stories such as what you told helps to restore my faith in humanity. Thank you, again. I hope you can find a chance to share more of your past and help us to know you better and to show our care and concern.

Senile Texas Aggie


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas

So as long as the temp keeps dropping one degree per day, in about 25 days it ought to be pretty comfortable here once again. :weee I sure do hope that rain they show later this week actually happens. It is dry, dry, dry here... My neighbor was mowing his lawn yesterday and you could barely see him on the riding mower from the dust cloud he was creating. I'm not mowing anything here, even though it needs it, until there's a real good chance of rain about to happen. Not even any dew in the morning right now.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
View attachment 51626
So as long as the temp keeps dropping one degree per day, in about 25 days it ought to be pretty comfortable here once again. :weee I sure do hope that rain they show later this week actually happens. It is dry, dry, dry here... My neighbor was mowing his lawn yesterday and you could barely see him on the riding mower from the dust cloud he was creating. I'm not mowing anything here, even though it needs it, until there's a real good chance of rain about to happen. Not even any dew in the morning right now.

It's pretty nice here today, mostly cloudy tho not much chance of rain. As much as I did not want to, I agreed to mow about 2/3 of my neighbor's horse pastures yesterday after he kept shearing pins on his 6' mower. Weeds were 6' high in places and wooley croton and sweetgum abundant, plenty of dust and weed/grass particles in the air. If he'd sprayed like I told him to (he has a big sprayer) he wouldn't have had this problem.
He looks at mine, across the fence, looks at his and "If I could just get it looking like never have to mow"........there's a reason it's that way.........he has an implement sitting there not being used.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Was pulling a few T posts from the concrete like soil yesterday afternoon. Even taking a shovel and digging out the top ~foot made little difference. I decided I needed something to extend the length of the lever arm to give more force. At one point I was pulling down and back on it and the puller slipped up the post and ended up planting myself on my butt. Didn't hurt that much at the time but today I have a very sore butt/coccyx/tailbone and lower back. Knees aren't doing all that great at the moment either.
Swollen with fluid on them.

I found out that the T-post pounder just barely slips over the T-post puller arm. What a huge difference that made! The added weight of the pounder plus that extra 2-3 feet of lever made all the difference. It did make it a little more unwieldy to move around though. By the time I got all that figured out and the wanted posts pulled, I was wringing with sweat and over heating. Did some more work pulling apart the hoop house on the ground and wired up a couple of cattle panels and called it a day. Hopefully I'll be mobile enough tomorrow to get back to it.

Also moved the existing hay feeder over into the area where the new buck pen will be. Since RJ will no longer have freedom for quite some time, he's gonna be on a strictly hay/pellet diet. Nice hornets nest under the lower deck of the hay feeder so that was an evolution... move it a bit, wait for them to settle back down then move it some more. I think one of the baby goats got stung as she was over messing around right after the final move and started jumping around and kicking at her neck. Bought a couple more feeding "bowls" and a water bucket/trough for RJ's side as well as the needed hardware to complete the fencing of the 2 pens. Really hoping to have it complete by the end of this week. Then I need to start building a goat barn for the girls.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Dang Joe!!.....sure hate to hear about the sudden change of position....and ya may just need a tad more than an overnight recovery.....sometimes it takes a couple of days to work out the kinks, especially as we increase the mileage that is already barking and growling at us......:hugs.....sure glad ya didn't get stung while in the process of moving the feeder, that would not have been good at all.
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