Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
May 7, 2013
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Dang, I've had goats for nigh on to 30 years and I've never seen anything quite like that. If it is a hernia from a really strong head butt or whatever :idunno then I'd watch it really carefully. You sure wouldn't want it to strangulate which would be an emergency situation...and if it's might actually be intestine?

I just dunno… color me stumped.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
That's what I've been thinking/am worried of FEM... But it really doesn't "feel" like intestine when I push on it... It really feels like a "puddle of jello or pudding" And I'm thinking possible contusion/hematoma from the tree falling and her possibly getting whacked there or from a head butt... it's really smooth feeling, not "corrugated" like if it was intestines. It's behind her ribs, so not broken bones or anything of that sort. Just don't know... Have considered trying a syringe to see what I can pull out, but if it is intestines/hernia, I don't want to cause sepsis with intestinal contamination from piercing the intestinal wall internally with the needle... Sheesh... what to do... aside from continuing to watch her... Happened way too fast (~36 hours) and is way too big to be disease, and not in a typical place, no lymph glands there...

Really don't need a huge vet surgery bill right now... I have home owners insurance coming due, just got the bill, up to 2 grand now from ~1500 2 years ago... Time to hunt up a new insurer... Also property taxes, another 3 grand coming due soon. :hit :confused: What to do... Maybe I'll post the pics on the injury thread for those who don't follow my journal.
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Herd Master
Aug 6, 2011
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Do you have electric clippers to at least shave the are to see if there are any puncture spots that are covered by the hair? A lot of bite wounds are nearly impossible to see the puncture spots under fur/hair.... is it possible that she was bit by a snake, or venomous spider? :idunnoJust throwing stuff out there.... I would think the falling limbs or another goat would be the most likely though.... sorry I'm not much help but I haven't seen anything much like it before.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Thanks RGCL... I do have clippers and hadn't considered shaving the area, of course that's an excellent idea and I believe I'll attempt that tomorrow and see if there is some puncture wound under there someplace. There is no obvious puncture, no visible or felt leakage/wetness/blood/fluid/etc. from when I felt of it. Boy, I know that's gonna be a cluster... She's NOT going to like that one bit or stand still for me while doing it... :confused: Maybe I can talk to her and convince her it's for her own good? :lol::he

I have killed black widow spiders under their water trough, so yes, it could be a spider bite. I recently moved the hay feeder into where the new buck pen will be and there's an active hornet's nest underneath it, so she could have possibly been stung by one of those as well. I have seen copperhead snakes, but nowhere near their pen, always at the field edges, up front and way down back, so don't think that's a possibility. Never seen a snake inside their present pasture/pen area.


Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
Shaving is a good idea because just from outward appearance there does not look to be a hair out of place. Hornet or spider bite is a possibility... But at some point the swelling would start to subside. You could try some Benadryl if you think it is an allergic reaction.

They never do these things at a convenient time- that's for sure! Hoping for the best!


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
Made the mistake of stopping by the pound today... I wanted a real cheese burger and there's a burger joint (non fast food) over in that general area. They have a beautiful Great Pyrenees female, looks pure bred, not fixed, that was turned in as a vagabond down near the Walmart. She's such a sweet and gentle girl :love So pretty :loveNot a puppy, looks to be 2-3 years old. Not pregnant or looking to have been recently. She's a drooler :sick oh my... what to do... No idea of background for LGD work, and since a pick up/turn in, she appears to be a wanderer... :( Hmmm decisions...:hide

Glad there was just past a full moon last night as I do have coyotes all around and not having the pen illuminated, coupled with the tree down right in the middle could have been a recipe for disaster.
That is why you need that Pyr at the shelter!

I'm gonna be paying $10/mo going fwd. They reported it as a line down so said the truck would be here some time today.
Geez, $120/yr seems like a lot for a light. Sounds kinda like when we were paying $5/mo to lease a cable modem for years. When I found out that was happening (DW was in charge of stuff back when we got cable) I cancelled it and bought one for $85 at Best Buy. Coulda bought 5 or 6 with what we had paid Comcast. Cheap money for the cable company like cheap money for your power company.

Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
UGH. We pay close to 10 a month too. I kind of like having the light I just wish there was a way to turn it off. :\
It ruins it for us with the telescope. We use to get so happy when the lights failed so we could go out at 3-4 am and see space through the scope.
They also just replaced everyone's lights with these new LED type and I hate it. It is so bright it is annoying. No matter the shades, blinds, curtains... you cannot have a dark room.
The light is 30 ft outside of two of the bedrooms windows and the FR. :rolleyes:

This year we have had snakes in the fields. Pete isn't smart about them. He likes to kill them and play with them. Well first he bites it and then lets it try to slither away then he grabs it again.... literally- he plays with them. Once dead he has his toy for weeks... so weird. Blue is smarter and doesn't mess with them but barks at them.

"Green Collar" which is now Simba has alerted several times to copperheads on his farm. He has snake sense... he does chase them out but keeps his distance.
Most of the dogs here are snake smart. 'cept Pete :rolleyes::D
We have had black, green, garden, hog, and copperheads in the fields. Very strange because we never have them in the fields. :idunno

Snakes bites don't usually leave swelling that is very symmetrical or round. The fact it is squishy is strange too. Really interesting, can't wait to hear what it is.
Of course I am sad the lil doe is dealing with it. :(


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We have had black, green, garden, hog, and copperheads in the fields. Very strange because we never have them in the fields. :idunno
All snakes can swim, but not all enjoy being wet....with all the flooding streams, rivers, and high water over that way they will be pushed further than normal in their attempts to find higher, drier ground.....sure hope the water recedes before temps start to fall or they will be hibernating in hay, bldgs, and any area that is protected.....our prayers are with all of ya over that way, for sure.....:fl
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