Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Latestarter; I don't think that a "lighted" area will prevent coyotes from "sneaking in". It might give the goats a little better visibility but it won't deter the coyotes. Because it is a constant, they will get totally used to it. Here in Va., in Highland county there were more sheep than people at one time. Land is very steep, it's in the mountains, and one of the reasons it was good for sheep raising because they are easier on the land than cattle and can utilize the mixed growth. The coyotes started to migrate to this area, and the farmers there used dogs, llamas, donkeys, then went to penning the sheep in the barnyards at night, used all night lighting, used radios, then started penning them in the barns. The coyotes would dig under or in some cases were going through the windows that were not reinforced by wire or bars.

I know one farmer that went from running over 200 ewes to out of the sheep business in about 10 years because they just got tired of dealing with the loss. They used to have close to a 200% lamb crop and got to where they were lucky to get 75 lambs to saleable size. These were coyotes, not wolves, but hunted in packs and they would kill some of the dogs and in one instance, ran 2 llamas to the point of exhaustion and they finally gave up. Several counties in Va offered bounties on coyotes but most have stopped because there are so many. Realize this is a very mountainous and secluded area.....with every kind of wildlife there. These are people who would have 10-20 coyote hides hanging on their fences as deterrents at any one time. Most have given up farming or switched to cattle and they still suffer some losses so cows are calved close to home in barns and are "babysat" when due.

And if it isn't the coyotes, then they have to deal with the eagles. YES THEY WILL KILL OR CARRY OFF NEWBORN LAMBS. They are referred as "white-headed vultures" and are pretty much universally hated. They will peck the eyes out of the lambs or actually fight off a ewe with a just born bloody afterbirth covered lamb. They also will go after cows during calving. Between them and the black mexican vultures, they are a real menace. The fish and game dept out there gave a seminar on the problem they are and the cost to farmers and the measures they take to try to keep them from getting too fixated on farm animals. Here, after about a week of leaving a light on outside around the chickens, you would see all sorts of animals, as they weren't afraid of the light because it was "normal" to them. I've had coyotes within 25 feet of the backdoor when they were trying to tear into the rabbit cage one time a few years ago, and my yelling only made them back off for about 15 feet. A few shots helped, but there were cows in the field in the dark behind that area and I couldn't just shoot willy-nilly.

You can't fence 25 and 50 acre pastures to be coyote proof, and if you can't let the lambs out to graze with the ewes until they are over 50 lbs then you can't make a living at it. Plain and simple.
I hope the lighting works for you.

Mike CHS

Herd Master
Mar 18, 2013
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Southern Middle TN
If it isn't one thing, it's another. We have a Mountain Lion in the neighborhood now but it seems to be leaving live stock alone. Two of the neighbors have pictures on their game cams and the state has finally admitted they are moving in. The Black Vultures are as bad as coyotes and we know of one farm that gave up and sold out. They will spread in a semi-circle around a ewe and her lamb and if they can wear out the ewe, they will go after the lambs eyes and then gang up and kill it. They will do the same to a calf if given the chance or at least is what I have read.

There is one of the nasty critters hanging from a fence post and I haven't seen any since I hung that one out there.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
They do say that hanging the black vultures here will also keep the rest away. They are too damn smart. I had a neighbor last year where we rent call that the vultures were down around a heifer that had just calved. I was on my way home from testing. She rode her 4-wheeler down there and kept them away til I got there. There were 11 and a juvenile eagle there and it was challenging me as I tried to chase them all off. I stayed with the heifer til she got up, passed the afterbirth, and then the calf got up and nursed. When they were somewhat stable on their feet, I helped them to go into the woods and the vultures gave up. They don't like to be in too close a quarters where they can't easily fly. If I'd have had the gun there would have been several dead birds. The owner could not believe that they would actually go after the cow and calf. Sure educated her on that.


Herd Master
May 22, 2014
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first order of business, I haven't got a clue what that round circle on the doelings side is. have you shaved it looking for a puncture wound/sting/bite mark? if it were a hematoma one would think that the bottom side would be heavier and thicker than the other part just from gravity. I've never seen a bite/sting/puncture that was that symmetrical or lasted that long. nor have i a seen a hernia in that area, always midline area behind the belly button. it has me stumped but like the others I wouldn't try to aspirate it. that may cause more trouble than you bargained for. you never said does she have a temp? is she still eating/drinking/ pooping/ peeing ok? very interesting indeed. bad as I know you hate to it might be vet time.
I made the conscious decision not to have a light in my barnyard. I really like to watch the lighting bugs, look at stars and meteor showers, enjoy the dark and the quiet. I had a serious discussion with dd and sil when they moved here because they left all three of their porch lights on all night, two of them shined on my house and barn yard and I hated that much light. they compromised and turned them off ;). I have a thermal/night vision scope that I go out at night and watch the critters with. nope, no light pollution for me thank you. I have a couple of powerful flashlights, think tactical from law enforcement sil, and headlamps if needed plus solar for the barn if I choose to turn them on. that's good enough for me, and I totally agree that constant lights will not deter any varmints. grandfather-in-law put lights up in his cornfields to keep the coons out only to discover that the coons were pulling the ears off the stalks and taking them over under the light to eat them, sad but true. I laughed a lot.
we have black vultures here too. they are so bad that my cousin who had a fairly large cow/calf herd was loosing almost half of his calves because he couldn't be there every day because of work. the vultures would gather when a cow would go into labor and tear the calf apart many times before the cow ever had the chance to stand back up. he now raises steers for the most part. and the sad thing is that because they are migratory birds they are protected by the federal government. nope can't shoot them without a permit that you have to jump thru hoops and pay big bucks for. :mad: some years ago I had a bald eagle carry off one of my baby goats right out of the goat yard. freaked me out but swooped down and was gone in an instant..
only time it has ever happened here but was truly amazing.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
I don't want the light to keep predators at bay... I want and keep the light so I can see them, and the animals can see them, if they come close. I know they get used to/unafraid of the light. Thing is, they can see better in the dark than I can see in the daylight... With the light on, if they get that close, I can see them well enough to shoot them. Gonna do the shave thing tomorrow (weather permitting), and if it's worrysome, will head to the vet. No fever, no other issues, same size, no change.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
If it isn't one thing, it's another. We have a Mountain Lion in the neighborhood now but it seems to be leaving live stock alone. Two of the neighbors have pictures on their game cams and the state has finally admitted they are moving in. The Black Vultures are as bad as coyotes and we know of one farm that gave up and sold out. They will spread in a semi-circle around a ewe and her lamb and if they can wear out the ewe, they will go after the lambs eyes and then gang up and kill it. They will do the same to a calf if given the chance or at least is what I have read.

There is one of the nasty critters hanging from a fence post and I haven't seen any since I hung that one out there.
Farm Bureau has a limited number of black vulture 'sub-permits' in some states.

Scroll down to the bottom for the forms.

For Kentucky:


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Posted on the other thread about PB&J's lump. It was a hematoma.

Hands/wrists are improving. I had bought a number of vitamins & supplements several weeks ago hoping they would help. I've determined that this episode really started and continued to worsen since I started taking them all. I stopped taking them a couple of days ago and all the issues have started to go back into remission... Today I bought a couple of knee compression slip on sleeves. My knees have been so swollen that I could barely bend them. When going from sitting with legs elevated, to standing, I would first have to slowly bend the legs to get feet on the floor, then have to "balance" for 20-30 seconds after slowly standing to allow my legs to straighten completely so I could hobble around. Been a real be-atch! :tongue Have had the compression bands on now for ~6 hours and the swelling has gone down some and standing/moving has improved by 50-75%. Not back to normal, but functional to do work. Really hoping that a couple of days will have the swelling gone. I have a LOT to do!

Have started drafting up the plans for a 24' x 16' doe shed with raised floor. Interior height will be 6' at back and 7' at front... so standing room inside. Will be using translucent corrugated roofing in strips, intermingled with the regular opaque ones so there will be more light inside. Am itemizing everything I need to go purchase and get started. I want to use a gutter to collect rain water runoff into their trough. Need to get that done post haste so I can get RJ sequestered, and get the does all luted for breeding in early-mid October. Really want early to mid March kids. Then need to build another hay feeder and a stanchion. I'll have room to put the stanchion inside the doe shed, so no more milking out in the weather. :weee Will post pictures with progress as/when it happens.

Bought a pkg of this a couple weeks ago in case my sweet tooth fired up. Made it the other night and have been forcing myself to finish it. It's TOO sweet!

Picture compliments of


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
Krusteaz is a pretty old (& a good) brand. I like their pancake and their biscuit mixes.
I had bought a number of vitamins & supplements several weeks ago hoping they would help. I've determined that this episode really started and continued to worsen since I started taking them all. I stopped taking them a couple of days ago and all the issues have started to go back into remission..
I can't say I'm surprised. Most of that 'As Seen On TV' and/or ""sold at GNC"' health food supplement type stuff is just 21st century snake oil. Eat 1/2 way right most humans don't need any of it.
But, as long as people can make big (or a little) $$ of it, it'll keep being bought, sold and espoused all over the place.


Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Really hoping that a couple of days will have the swelling gone.
Hope all your swelling goes away soon.

Krusteaz is a pretty old (& a good) brand. I like their pancake and their biscuit mixes.
I like their pancake and waffle mixes. Never tried the biscuit mix, I normally make that from scratch.
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