Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
We've had sprinkles here... the big stuff has been all around me but none directly over me. Enough continuous moisture/dampness that everything plant based has come back to life and is growing with a vengeance :confused: As dry as I've been, I mowed the other day what had been basically dormant and the mower was bogging down it was so high. Haven't even really started on the pastures and they're going to be a real bear. Probably will get more later today as it's very humid, we have west to east air movement, and there's lots of rain over to the west.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
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East Texas
Strange strange and strange! So bizarre this will be interesting to see what the vet says.

I know GW mentioned it but I did attach a price list- there are other companies that may have lower pricing... the carports are a great value but you have to watch how you order them.
They are ideal in one way because it is up in one day! You have immediate shelter... Most people we know just get the carport with upgraded legs and supports. No walls. That really makes a difference.
Then they have time to lay out how they want the walls and inside and add that as $ allows and time.
We found that often they have deals/sales. Just a thought LS.

I think the 18 X 26 is the a good value with extended legs.

Friends of ours ended up getting 2 small ones because they were "on sale" for 750 each.
Being just one person it may be beneficial to have the supports and roof up and you can finish the rest.
So difficult to find help these days. :\ CarportPricing.htm
When these are assembled on dirt, what keeps them from just picking up in the wind and blowing away?
(The ones I looked at were recommended to be installed on a concrete footer and screwed down to the footer)

I saw several of those type structures wrapped around cars and utility poles after hurricane Ike and Rita.

By the time I figured in the 'options' I was able to build one turnkey out of treated 4x6 & 4x4 posts and dimensional lumber just about as cheap, roofed and closed in on 3 sides. 32 'X24'.
I get 20 4x5 bales in it if I place them carefully.

(I no longer try to build things to 'last a lifetime', they just has to last MY lifetime' )
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Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
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North Carolina
They come with anchors and also upgraded anchors- from what I understand the upgraded are for anchoring mobile homes etc to be complaint with blah blah blah code.
Our friends that had theirs put in said the anchors were 3 ft deep... the just got the shell carport. Done in a day then they walled the whole building on the weekends because they both work outside the home, and made a milkroom, stalls etc.
They had moved and basically need a roof over their herd immediately. They now have 3 buildings... they've done a great job with them and added a shed roof to both sides of the biggest one they got.
When we move if there isn't a barn already there this is probably what we will do to.
I can no longer build like I use to and my kids being grown and gone means no man power. :( You know how it is... you cannot appreciate strength and health until you lose it.
DH can't do it alone and honestly I wouldn't want him too. Sides are fine but roof- time etc... are a whole different story.
These buildings are quite common here.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Well, day one of the build has stopped due to inclement weather. A light sprinkle I'd work through but it really started coming down and power tools outside in the rain just don't mix. I almost got all the stringers tacked in on the first 12' x 16' section... two more to go. Just a single screw in the end of each right now to hold it in place till I can make sure it's square. Had hoped to get the PT plywood down to hold everything in place so the goats don't tear it all up. It's level and almost right on square, corner to corner measure. I'll know for sure when I put down the first course of plywood. I can then "adjust" it a little either way to make it square. You can tell it's raining, and the poor goats were screaming at me because they were getting wet. :gig You can see RJ's head sticking out of the edge of the shelter watching the girls get a shower. Back at it tomorrow :fl
2018-9-8 goat shack day 1 a.JPG

2018-9-8 goat shack day 1 b.JPG


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I prefer Simpson (strong ties) for hanging joists and rafters.

Layout their placement on each header with a speed sq and tape measure before starting, nail them in, and then make the square or rectangle frame. Drop the joists in and nail the joists in tight after making sure plumb & square.
(actually, I sometimes prefer to put the joists on top of the header--use it as a sill)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Job moving right along! A shower won't hurt them (won't convince THEM of that) and it's warm there, so all is good.

LS - Did you have the severity with the gout before moving to TX? Just wondering if anything with that change is a contributing aggravator. Water, heat, humidity, etc. And since you can no longer get the same meds from VA now, any chance you can get RX and buy elsewhere? Many Canadian pharmacies ship USA. You know not all prices are equal. I'd sure ASK for an special consideration :idunno nothing to lose.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
(I no longer try to build things to 'last a lifetime', they just have to last MY lifetime' )
Me too and because of that:

I prefer Simpson (strong ties) for hanging joists and rafters.
I'm not using hardware... simply lining them up and nailing them straight through. 3 - 6" #5 pole barn nails to each joist end. The deck screws were just a temp thing to get everything started and lined up.

The goats decided to play pirate and walk the planks. The result was that one turned and pulled the screw out and several others got loosened. That's why I really wanted to get the plywood down... Anyway, I went ahead and rolled everything (tools) back down there and placed the final 2 joists and nailed everything in tight. They can play pirate now all they want... Those joists shouldn't move now. Tomorrow is supposed to be cloudy & ~80° so not too bad, but of course humid. I expect to have the other side completed and all the flooring down tomorrow. Then I'll start on the walls. This is gonna be a LOT bigger than I pictured in my mind...

Mini, the gout is what it is... I wouldn't say it's gotten worse because of anything environmental... It's just my careless living and diet catching up to me after all these years. I've begun to root and am not moving like I used to either which is not helping anything. I've lost 20 pounds and am down to 280. So basically 100 more to go - in my dreams (and even then I'll STILL be considered obese :ep). The govt and medical community wants me to weigh what I did in 8th grade... :eek: I'm not trying to take it off fast as that never works. It's going to be a slow process over time. If I can get back down to around 200 I'll be very happy.


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I'm not using hardware... simply lining them up and nailing them straight through. 3 - 6" #5 pole barn nails to each joist end. The deck screws were just a temp thing to get everything started and lined up.
Well, my stuff hopefully doesn't have to last 'too' much longer, but while it's here, it has to hold up..........both in time and weight. The floored barn I use up in the front (north end) of the property holds the tractor with a round bale on the back of it as I stack them in rows 5 deep.. How long that will continue to be the case....I don't know.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Mini, the gout is what it is... I wouldn't say it's gotten worse because of anything environmental... It's just my careless living and diet catching up to me after all these years. I've begun to root and am not moving like I used to either which is not helping anything. I've lost 20 pounds and am down to 280. So basically 100 more to go - in my dreams (and even then I'll STILL be considered obese :ep). The govt and medical community wants me to weigh what I did in 8th grade... :eek: I'm not trying to take it off fast as that never works. It's going to be a slow process over time. If I can get back down to around 200 I'll be very happy.

Yeah, all that is part of aging, not being accountable to others (as in, no one there to share, impress, correct or watch out for THEM :lol:) and we ALL DO IT. Some days I don't "dress for success" either. But you do see what is needed & helping. That and addressing the fact is over 1/2 the correction process. I know you have the health problem, just hate to see you so uncomfortable & hindering your ability to do all you want and dreamed. My nature to try to help improve. :idunno So keep drinking a LOT of water/tea, eat more veggies, and all that. Losing 20 # is HUGE!!! Slow is always better as you change your eating to a more permanent thing as you go slowly. Nothing happens overnight, even the gain.

AND no matter the pain, the barn is coming along well. We both know your girls will love you for it!!! :D They thought they were helping you by walking on those boards :hide
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