B&B Happy goats
Herd Master
Dear friend, this is the only time i will bug you about this...use the freaking oxycodone as directed at LEAST until your pain level is back to normal......and I don't mean three days...do it for a week. Your body and brain are on pain overload...take them as directed , do only what you need to do and rest ... I PROMISE you will feel better....and continue with your journey on changing eating habbits.
Please be as kind to YOURSELF as you are to others, take the meds to "normalize your receptors " in your brain. When the pain level overides eveything ...you can not bring the pain into a managment level without heavy meds. I love ya ..but
your acting like a guy ! Take you medicine and rest
Please be as kind to YOURSELF as you are to others, take the meds to "normalize your receptors " in your brain. When the pain level overides eveything ...you can not bring the pain into a managment level without heavy meds. I love ya ..but