Latestarter's ramblings/musings/gripes and grumbles.

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B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Dear friend, this is the only time i will bug you about this...use the freaking oxycodone as directed at LEAST until your pain level is back to normal......and I don't mean three it for a week. Your body and brain are on pain overload...take them as directed , do only what you need to do and rest ... I PROMISE you will feel better....and continue with your journey on changing eating habbits.
Please be as kind to YOURSELF as you are to others, take the meds to "normalize your receptors " in your brain. When the pain level overides eveything can not bring the pain into a managment level without heavy meds. I love ya ..but :smackyour acting like a guy ! Take you medicine and rest:duc


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
That a great idea, GB. So, when are you coming up to help with that? Unfortunately, I can’t help, I am having foot pain issues, myself and have surgery scheduled, for the near future. I suspect @Baymule won’t be able to help either, as she has really bad knees. We were there yesterday, for a visit, and it is obvious she is also in a great deal of pain.
Any time he wants, as long as it isn't lightening..
A few days notice ahead of time will be good enough.


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
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NE Texas
Come to think of it GB, how are you doing on your migration westward plans? I know it's something you're really looking forward to and you might as well get on it. You ain't gettin' any younger either.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
LS -- have you considered having the house checked for mold, gases, formaldehyde (drywall), insulation and/or chemicals? Up North, Boron (? I think) is an issue seeping into the houses. You may have hit upon something that needs "fixing"....

None of what I'm dealing with presently existed when I bought this place.

AND -- thanks for letting us know you are still functioning.:D =D


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
So I had thawed out one of those small circular, reusable, ~16 oz containers of chili several days ago. It's been sitting in the fridge as I have had zero desire to eat. Normally I'd scarf down the whole thing at a sitting. Just heated it up with some fresh diced onion and a little mixed cheddars over the top and could only finish 1/2. The rest went back in the container for prob tomorrow.

This home was built back in I believe the 70s. There is no drywall, the entire interior is paneled. No under floor insulation and on concrete piers so no way for soil gases to build up like in a basement or on a slab. No idea if there's wall insulation or not... scared to open a wall and find out. Had the standard home inspections performed prior to purchase and no mold/rot/termites/standing water under the structure/etc were present. It's really just my own life changes happening and could possibly be from my military time, my production job... who knows.

@B&B Happy goats :hugs Thank you :) From what I understand just one of those oxy tabs has a $20 street value. I've heard about the addictive nature and I do NOT want to even think about pushing that button. So, when I get to not functioning, THAT'S when I resort to them. My doc understands and so gives me the script when I am low or run out. I've used more in the past 3 days than the past 6 months.
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Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
And for update, I am still in pain, but it is being managed and I CAN function, just not like a healthy 30 year old... o_O I have a very high pain threshold. It takes a lot for me to cry uncle. But when I do, it's really a cry... I can walk, but slowly and gingerly. I can use my hands and wrists again so can feed myself (and clean myself) :duc:hide Hopefully like in the past, this "heat wave" will recede and I'll be OK again for a while. I hope also that the diet changes will help. I hope losing some more weight will help. TRYing to do positive things to assist with whatever this is. No more pills if I can help it.

So we had a little rain shower pass over this afternoon so I looked out to watch all the goats make a B-line for the shelter. Then I watched Mel... Normally when the rain starts he sits at the gate and stares at the house. Today he went inside the night pen and looked up to the house, then sauntered over and went inside with the goats. Hopefully no more requirement for him to be inside when it rains. He has shelter down there. Have the AC back on as it got up to mid 70s again in here and humidity is bad. Guess w have some bad weather to get through between now and Thursday afternoon then much more seasonal temps - cold.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Mel might make an LGD out of himself yet! Sleeping with the goats is in the job description.
Glad you are feeling a wee bit better. I'm with you, wouldn't want to risk addiction to oxy, too manny bad stories. But then if it is like Percocet, I'd try to avoid it anyway. The few times I've had that it moved my brain a foot outside of my head. I did not like that feeling AT ALL. Oh, wait, I just looked it up, Percocet is oxycodone and acetaminophen. I know it isn't the acetaminophen that screws up my head.

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
So I had thawed out one of those small circular, reusable, ~16 oz containers of chili several days ago. It's been sitting in the fridge as I have had zero desire to eat. Normally I'd scarf down the whole thing at a sitting. Just heated it up with some fresh diced onion and a little mixed cheddars over the top and could only finish 1/2. The rest went back in the container for prob tomorrow.

This home was built back in I believe the 70s. There is no drywall, the entire interior is paneled. No under floor insulation and on concrete piers so no way for soil gases to build up like in a basement or on a slab. No idea if there's wall insulation or not... scared to open a wall and find out. Had the standard home inspections performed prior to purchase and no mold/rot/termites/standing water under the structure/etc were present. It's really just my own life changes happening and could possibly be from my military time, my production job... who knows.

@B&B Happy goats :hugs Thank you :) From what I understand just one of those oxy tabs has a $20 street value. I've heard about the addictive nature and I do NOT want to even think about pushing that button. So, when I get to not functioning, THAT'S when I resort to them. My doc understands and so gives me the script when I am low or run out. I've used more in the past 3 days than the past 6 months.

You can not become addicted to them while you are using them properly and while you are controling can become addicted if you continue to use the when you have no pain...street value is meaningless as you are not a drug dealer or ever would be one.....please use them till your pain is within your comfort zone to treat with your favortie OTC MEDS. ...please :he:he:he already have a headache

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Mel might make an LGD out of himself yet! Sleeping with the goats is in the job description.
Glad you are feeling a wee bit better. I'm with you, wouldn't want to risk addiction to oxy, too manny bad stories. But then if it is like Percocet, I'd try to avoid it anyway. The few times I've had that it moved my brain a foot outside of my head. I did not like that feeling AT ALL. Oh, wait, I just looked it up, Percocet is oxycodone and acetaminophen. I know it isn't the acetaminophen that screws up my head.

i detest taking any pain med period. I don't like the way they make me feel, but when pain level gets so out of control and is maxing signals to your pain receptior in your brain, you need to take the meds, to bring everything back to a semi normal functionl base to work from.
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