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- #121
Farmer Connie
True BYH Addict
Extra Thick Slices..
Trusty Saute Pan
Sexy Bubbles


We try to stay active. Before the overload of chores, we both where borderline Doctor warned of diet. Working ourselves to exhaustion burns off excess bad foods. Active lifestyle allows us to indulge foods deemed unhealthy for couch potatoes. DH's Grandma lived to 97 yrs. Bacon all her life. She was a farmer and a go getter. She died of a broken heart when grandpa died a year prior from Alzheimer disease. 364 days to the date. Quadruple bypass and working in her garden 7 days later... and bacon for breakfast still.(without sodium nitrite preserves)Oh my...Doc told me today I need to diet...
like seriously...
1/3 cup of salt & 1/3 cup of brown sugar. Rub it in. Flip it once for 5 days in the refer. Anymore than 5 days gets too salty. Soak it in an ice water bath to get the salt off. Maybe an hour. Rinse it really good.What's your bacon recipe?