Was that you in the background of Bam Bam's video? Nice to see I'm not the only one doing farm chores in shorts 
It's HOT out there! Great videos. Feel a little bad for the lizard though... He just wanted some fresh insects to eat.

Roger that. That's an older video... DH has been going thru the hours of files to preserve them onto youtube. Computer is getting old. use it or loose it.Was that you in the background of Bam Bam's video?
97*F and 100% RH.. heck yeah.Nice to see I'm not the only one doing farm chores in shorts
I lot of them pop off.. sad, but the livestock doesn't break thru fences anymore.Feel a little bad for the lizard though..
I dress accordingly for certain chores. I break out easy with ivy.I put the bib overalls up once it hits abt 70 and go with cargo shorts unless handling hay, then I sweat through it wearing bibs.
When I mow, I put on high athletic socks and work boots because of snakes and poison ivy/oak and such. Chores with the bunnies is often done in [shorts] sneakers or even crocs. It is hitting low 90's here. Gotta adapt.
Son's family moved in. House is packed.. understatement. Ducks are total free range. Dogs protect them. The free birds have excepted them.. weird. I think one drake/2ducks.One thing is for sure.....there is never a dull moment at your place..........how are the ducks doing?
Nice looking animals. Bam bam seems quite a character.