Locking goats up at night? Help!


Chillin' with the herd
Jun 5, 2012
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Thank you!!!

I kept them in their shelter all day yesterday and went out there 4-5 times and sat with them in the shelter and outside of it. Gave them grain, apples, treats. They are still absolutely terrified of me. They huddled in a corner and put their heads down and tried not to even look at me! One of the sisters will eat the treats when I'm around, but the other sister is so scared of me that she trembles and then freaks at my tiniest move and then the other sister follows her lead. Poor girls!

I decided to let them out today, as it was pretty warm in the shelter and I think they needed to eat in the pasture....

I won't chase them anymore and hope they will return to the shelter at night so I can lock them up.

If things don't get better, I'm going to have to rig up some electric fencing around the pasture to keep predators out.

It's really quite sad that their first impression of us was so traumatic for them :( I hope they come around and learn to trust us!


Exploring the pasture
Feb 20, 2011
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We had almost the same experience as you. We bought 2, 12 week old Nubian/Boer kids and when we got them home, the one escaped. She lived in the woods for 2 days alone before we were able to get her. After that time, we kept them in a very small enclosed space (6x8 shed with a 6x6 fenced area). I made sure to feed them with a red bucket every day. I also went out and sat with that red bucket in my lap and made them come to me to get food. Eventually, they associated the red bucket with goodies.

Fast forward 3 years, and they are both very curious girls. Although they still will not let you pet them normally, as soon as that red bucket comes out they will let you do anything to them. When they escape, all I have to do is show them that bucket and they come running from wherever they are. I use the red bucket during hoof trimmings, and when I check the girls over. As long as I have that thing in my hand, they will practically jump on me.