Handsome fellow. Isn't that always the way it is with bucks? I've sold some over the years and then wish I hadn't.. :/Budlady said:my avatar is Billy Bob Thorton he was magnificent im kinda sorry i sold him and his ladies and last years kids 10 in all so now im gona start all over with Bilbo
he looks like him dont he lol Billy Bob hated the neighbor as much as me he terroized them i kept him arround for a long time from the time he was small the neighbors dogs terrozied him and the does so when he got bigger i turned him loose to roam on my private road he would lay in front of the driveway and refuse to move when the neighbor wanted to get by many of day i sat in the window while Billy Bob chased the neighbor arround the truck when he got out to try and kick him oh what funcattlecait said:I am EXTREMELY amused that you named your buck Billy Bob Thorton!