Looking to Purchase Cream Separator

Pioneer Chicken

True BYH Addict
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Country of Texas
Well, @Baymule lives in Lindale, just north of Tyler off I-20. @Devonviolet is about an hour north of her and I'm about 90 minutes NE of her in Mount Pleasant. I was supposed to host the next group grope at my place this past fall :hide Sorry... didn't come to fruition :( I'll try to make it up later this spring or early summer... I Promise! I helped @tressa27884 (along with DV and her DH) unload when she moved here from CA. She's over north of I-20 near Cooper. There have been some others from TX who have come and gone that I haven't/didn't get a chance to meet.

Just returned from meeting/visiting with @greybeard down north of Houston. I've been over to meet @CntryBoy777 in NW MS and hope to get over to meet @Mike CHS some time this year. Bought my first goats from @goatgurl up in AR and my LGD from @Southern by choice over in NC. I enjoy travel and meeting folks.

Sorry, didn't mean to "cream" your thread with excessive font... :oops: Hope you can join us at some point :)

I don't mind! Wow, that is really neat you've gotten(is that a word?} to meet so many BYHers and make friends.

I enjoy road trips as well but usually if my folks or someone else are the ones driving- not to keen on driving and only do when I have to. : ) The furthest I've gone for a critter is San Antonio and we've only driven out of state (Oklahoma) twice for a critter. I've been thinking about purchasing a goat (still deciding if I'd like a buck or a doe) from the Desert Nanny herd in AZ but would have it flown here.

I bought a very promising doe from a lady close to Houston a few years ago but I was at a point in my life that I was figuring out what I wanted to do and sold her along with another very promising doe ( I do have her full sister thankfully) from a different herd. I very much regret those decisions. I wish I could find them and buy them back! Argh!!

Once I find a new place( and add either sheep or a cow) to move with my folks, I plan on adding an LGD but that will be a little while and I have a lot of reading, research, and questions to ask on all those critters.
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Southern by choice

Herd Master
Jun 11, 2012
Reaction score
North Carolina
We have a Novo

Haven't had much time to use it. When we first got it I tried it. But I messed up putting it together and milk wen everywhere! :lol:
I got it used from a lady selling off her dairy equipment. I went with @babsbag when she flew out from CA to look at and buy the milkline set up.
Last year we didn't get to use our milk much.
This year... oh yes!

Even though I messed up I do like it.

Also, yes, many great friendships have been made here. Truly an amazing group of people. It is like a family sometimes... we don't always agree, sometimes we squabble, but all the time we care about each other... the ups/downs. Rejoice for each other, pray for each other, and share our love of what we do.
But you've been around long enough to know that.:D


Herd Master
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Anderson, CA
@Southern by choice You got a Novo? :ep How did I miss that? I am jealous. I can't use it in the dairy as it doesn't have stainless steel parts but Novo is supposed to be THE BEST for home use and the most $$$. You are lucky I didn't hear about this when I was there. ;)