Looks like Brownie may kid today.


Loving the herd life
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Little River-Academy, Texas
Awwww... Really sorry to hear it :hit That really sucks. Do you have any others carrying kids? I hope these weren't your only ones.
I have my herd queen pygmy doe, Trixie, who is heavily pregnant at this time. I have no idea when she's due, but she's a much better mother in taking care of her kids when she delivers and I'm not too worried about her delivering. Brownie just isn't a good mother. She did nothing to clean them up when they were born, and they have so little reserves to begin with that even 15 minutes could be the difference between them making it or not. She was the same way with her first kidding. Some does are lousy mothers. In future kiddings with her I will be with her every single second once I'm sure she's in labor and I will take the babies and bottle feed them, just to give them the best start. I won't cull her, because she is great on the stanchion and at full capacity I believe she will be giving more than a gallon of milk a day.

There is an upside to all of this, in that I did milk a pint of colostrum from her to have on hand this morning and there's always the milk we will get for cheese making, which I need a lot of practice with. Over the next several days she will provide us with plenty of life-saving colostrum to have on hand for the future. It will be a very good thing to have on hand. My wonderful neighbor, who has a herd of about 50 pygmy goats, came and helped me try to revive the second baby last night while I got Brownie up on the stanchion to milk her to try and see if we could get some down the second baby, but she was so terribly weak at that point that even if we had tube fed her she probably wouldn't have made it, as she was just too weak to make a comeback.

Raising animals at times has bad outcomes, and sadly this was one of them.


True BYH Addict
Aug 8, 2015
Reaction score
I'm so sorry! :hit It's always so hard when you lose an animal.

I hope that your other doe has healthy kids! :fl

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