Herd Master
Yep...the same old timer that sold me my sheep was also skeptical. Flash forward three years and he is now using my even putting garlic powder on his garden as an insecticide. Says this is the first year he hasn't had corn worms in his corn~ever. He is 76. 
I think I made a believer out of him when I had my sheep for 2 1/2 years without using chemical dewormers and I returned them to his flock from where they derived...and they made the rest of his flock look like beggars. Good conditioning, healthy coats, bright eyes, twinning, thrifty on feed. Same breeding.
I think I made a believer out of him when I had my sheep for 2 1/2 years without using chemical dewormers and I returned them to his flock from where they derived...and they made the rest of his flock look like beggars. Good conditioning, healthy coats, bright eyes, twinning, thrifty on feed. Same breeding.