It's hard to tell but it looks like a swollen lymph node to me. I'm not sure what that would suggest, though (that's why I thought at first CL but I don't know that llamas get CL). Could she have gotten a fox-tail or splinter in there that got infected?
I would keep an eye on it. Watch and see if it gets any bigger. That last picture that I saw looks like a likely place for a tooth abscess. 100 to 102 is normal temp for an alpaca or llama. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a tooth abscess and no elevated temp. They usually don't with a tooth abscess. If you read about a death caused by jaw abscess, that is someone who didn't notice it or just didn't bother treating it and let it get incredibly bad.
My llama is being treated now for a tooth root abscess. The lump is way back on the lower section of her jaw...could almost be lymph node area, but not quite that far. Looking at your pictures, Peaches lump seems to be in the same place as our girls. It is very hard lump. The Vet. took an x-ray and the abscess is actually in the jaw I wouldn't recommend poking it yourself. We are treating with a daily dose of Pen. G. for 4-6 weeks. The Vet. gave us a 50% chance that that would cure it......otherwise we will need a surgical extraction of the tooth.
She has had the lump for 8 months or so.....with out much is slightly bigger. Our original Vet. couldn't x-ray, so dosed with a 2 shot antibiotic. It did nothing. Since then we stalled - doing nothing - as there wasn't any real obvious pain, no change in eating, etc. Finally took to Vet with x-ray because of issue with our other llama. On hindsight.......I wish I hadn't of stalled on getting the x-ray and a proper diagnosis. Better to spend the money and know what is going on then to worry and fret for months.
Good luck with Peaches!
Thankyou for that info. I will have the vet out shortly and take a look at her. She wasn't running a fever but I went ahead and started her on some penicillian just encase....