I went to check cows this morning with my husband, we left at 7:30 and there were no kids, we came back at 9 and Maple had kidded! She had them mostly dried off and nursing. The grey one is a doeling and the black one is a Buckling. These Kiko goats are quite self sufficient. I am really starting to like them. Boer goats are cuter though! Haha
In other news Lickaroo and Tornado are looking close. I have a due date for Lickaroo and that is February 10 so today is Day 147. I took a picture of her Monday and one this afternoon. Any guesses on when she will go? Her ligaments are really loose today but I can still find them.
Tornado is bagging more but she is a ff so I am not sure how big she will get, and she is a boer so who knows? She still has ligaments but she is quite swollen. We will see how soon she goes I guess!
Busy day! I had a doctors appointment and my mom was watching my kids. When I left Lickaroo s teats had finally filled and my mom called me while I was waiting for the doctor and said that Lickaroo had a long Amber rope. I hurried home after the appointment and watched her push for a bit and nothing was happening. So I went in and found the kid presenting breech with its back legs up next to it’s chest. I finally got one leg found, cupped the hoof and worked it around till I got it out, then she gave one big push and out came a Buckling! Then followed a doeling presenting correctly and another doeling that was breech but feet first this time. Triplets! One doeling is going to my mom so Lickaroo will only be raising twins. As we are drying kids off we look over and so Tornado pushing!!!!! We put her in a kidding pen and a few minutes later I go to check and the kid is about an inch from coming out and is presenting correctly thank goodness. Then the hooves come out and my mom and I gasp because they are enormous! She pushed hard for about 10 minutes and needed some help to gently get the elephant head out and then she had a Buckling! Just a single but that’s ok for a ff. Any way 4 kids today! I am exhausted! Better pictures later, my mom already took one doeling so she will have to post some pictures.