Hope S'more continues to improve. I hate it when my animals get sick. It's not like they can tell you what hurts....you just have to guess and do the best you can.
Ah, I didn't realize you had seen something similar before. Given my near total lack of experience with Alpacas, and since neither has gotten ill since I've had them, I wouldn't have a clue what might be wrong if one of them started to act "off".
Just wondering how things are doing with ya?.....haven't heard from ya in a bit, but know ya are busy with everything there....but, ya haven't been forgotten....
Well I suppose I've just been waiting. I knew S'more wouldnt be with us much longer. I have always been very intuitive with the animals and I could sense he was coming close to his end. No matter how much we tried or if we had the vet out it wouldnt change what I knew was coming. The first post where I asked yall to pray for him I thought he had pneumonia, but when I looked at his eyelids it was evident he was becoming anemic. He wasnt white yet so I immediatly put him on a high dose of panacure that lasted five days. I also syringe fed him red-cell to give him extra energy. He bounced back for a few days before crashing again. I went to visit him one night and he looked dead but when i gave him a nudge he jumped up and had a big gulp of water and a nibble of hay before laying down again. Last wednesday we left for vacation and he was doing fine until last night my dad told me he had passed away. I thought I would be strong but this is hitting me hard. Something I want to say is Smore was much older than we had initially thought. We were told he was 10 however he doesnt have his papers. The shearer also said that he looked ancient and his teeth made her think he was 15 or 16 because they were really bad and worn down. Certain sections were chipped others were down right broken.
I was kinda thinking that might be the issue, but was hoping it was another reason.....somethings just can't be helped or avoided, so don't be too hard on yourself....you did just fine and much better than I would have. I hate it for ya cause ya sure have had a rough time with the pacas lately, and there isn't a cure for age....so, keep your chin up and know ya did what ya could....I for one am really Proud of ya and support ya during these rough times, and will rejoice with ya in the Good.....
You can be proud that you gave S'more a good life while you had him. You gave him the best of care and more love than he ever had. We know that we are going to lose some, but we do the best we can. Big hugs to you, you are a good alpaca mommy. There are those that get close to us and wrap around our hearts.
When our old Labrador died, I played this video over and over crying my eyes out. It is hauntingly beautiful and it brought me comfort. I hope it is a comfort to you too.
Hope things are getting better for ya....school is starting soon, or has already.....wish ya a good year and do your Best....and, everything will fall into place....keep your chin Up, and know that you are up to the task. My Mom use to tell me...."When the going gets Tough....the Tough get going".....so, you can weather any storm....just know ya are never standing alone..